Working out with your pet!



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    With 14 cats/kittens, I no longer do P90X yoga inside the house. Yoga was turning into "Twister."
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    But remember when working out with your pets. We were riding our bikes yesterday and saw a couple riding with their dog running along side. It was 90 degrees. They didn't have the dog wet and didn't have enough water and the dog almost collapsed from heat stroke. I get my dog wet to keep her cool and carry water for us both when we go for long treks. Because your pet will always try to keep up, until it's too late.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    With 14 cats/kittens, I no longer do P90X yoga inside the house. Yoga was turning into "Twister."
    Right hand, Tabby. Left foot, Siamese. :laugh:
  • shadows1177
    shadows1177 Posts: 33
    But remember when working out with your pets. We were riding our bikes yesterday and saw a couple riding with their dog running along side. It was 90 degrees. They didn't have the dog wet and didn't have enough water and the dog almost collapsed from heat stroke. I get my dog wet to keep her cool and carry water for us both when we go for long treks. Because your pet will always try to keep up, until it's too late.

    Great point! I will be sure to write about that in my articles!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I have a 14 year old Yorkshire "Terror." a 12 year old Lhasa Apso, and a 5 year old Shih tzu. We walk 40 - 60 minutes each day, except during rain. We are all wussies!!:laugh: :laugh: I have only had the Yorkie for about 7 months, and he is bulletproof--can go farther/longer than the other two. When we stop to rest, he always stands there like "Ok, get the lead out, what are we waitin for?:laugh: :laugh:

    Does it count as "weight lifting" when I lift the 18 lb Shih tzu and the 14 lb. Yorkie onto the bed??:bigsmile: :bigsmile: The Lhasa weighs about 26 lbs. and she is very persnickity about being picked up, unless it is to be put in the car.

    My guys also "help" me when I try to do exercise videos, when they jump around and try to "catch" my hands if they are moving. We don't do many videos at my house.:ohwell: :smile:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I have 4 dogs as well. 1 is SUPER lazy but the other 3 are high energy dogs. The lazy one sleeps all day until he hears the jingle of the keys and runs downstairs so he doesn't get left behind on the walk. We usually walk 3-5 miles a day in the winter or 2-3 miles a day in the summer. I have them run as much as the laziest dog will allow. But for the 3 other dogs, I go biking with them when I have enough time. The rides are really SLOOOOOOOW since it's at their paces. Jasmine, the super obedient and fit one, lives to run! Last year, we trained together to do a weekend biking/camping trip. She ran almost 15 miles that weekend and still made a fuss when I made her rest in the trailer. Biking with my dogs is my, and their, favorite activity to do together. Besides both of us getting some exercise together, we also really bond on the walks and bike rides.

    I would remind people that just because a dog is a dog does not mean theat they are athletes. If they have spent 5 years being a couch potato, they can't just go out and run 5 miles. They will hurt just like a person does. It takes just a little bit of knowledge and good dose of common sense...not something I see too many dog owners using, sadly.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    With 14 cats/kittens, I no longer do P90X yoga inside the house. Yoga was turning into "Twister."
    Right hand, Tabby. Left foot, Siamese. :laugh:

    Change that to left foot, Persian and you're right on the money.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Must share a funny. One of the women on the 50+ Women's thread has two standard poodles who are very "helpful." As a result, at her house fitness activity includes "Pooga"--AKA "Yoga with Poodles." There is also "Poolates"--AKA "Pilates with Poodles" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    My cats love to watch me on the WiiFit. One watches the tv and the other watches me. She's my Trainer. She's tough, but fair. And when she gets tired, she quits. I can live with that! LOL Cats have their own unique view on things.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I began taking my dogs to the dog park, two years ago, due to one being overwieght and one having a heart problem. It is actually something that is part of my daily routine, without fail, unless it's pouring rain. Well, up until my "lifestyle change," in January, I would stand there and just throw the ball for them or let them chase/play with the other dogs so they got their exercise. Well, when I began my "journey" I had an epiphany! "Why aren't I walking, or running, around while I am here, and getting my own exercise at the same time?" I was always there for a good half hour, sometimes longer, if they were enjoying themselves. So, I began actually walking while I was there with them. This area is not a level/straight area. There are potholes to avoid, it's up/down on one edge of the perimeter, there are trees to walk around at another area of the perimeter, etc. So, it is some good light hiking/walking. I started out at barely making it 15-20 min of walking to where I am today. For the last week I have put in a good hour of walking, while there, and today I did 90 min. My dogs were all laying down, and pretty much spent, so I decided it was time time to go!! :-) There is also over a mile and a half of a walking path, out there, so sometimes I may take them again, in the evening, and walk the walking path.
  • shadows1177
    shadows1177 Posts: 33
    It really is great isnt it! Our pets need us and clearly we all need them too!!