Night time eating

I am so good in the daytime, I have a slimfast milkshake for breakfast and for lunch, I have a sensible dinner. But then at night I eat and eat!! I work all day teaching in a college so when I come home at I'm too tired to exercise, mark assignments or get lessons planned for the next day/week. It's when I'm working I pig out!!! Any ideas of a low fat finger food to munch on while I'm working??? Or even better how I can break this habit? Please don't say, just stop munching out because its just not that easy.


  • Bailey532
    Bailey532 Posts: 65 Member
    Is it because you're hungry or because you just feel like eating? If it's because you're hungry, try eating real food and you won't be as hungry at night. If it's because you're just eating to eat (which I used to do), try to have coffee, iced tea, some drink with you and drink it. I also snack on pickles if I'm having a craving. Not sure why, but it works! Good luck!
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    You may want to rethink your breakfast and lunch, or at least lunch and have some real food instead. Slimfast does have a lot of sugar. Eating a healthy lunch with enough protein may help you munch less at night. Just my opinion.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Sounds like you need more protein in your menu. It is very filling. Have a chicken wrap on whole wheat or have some eggs, some nuts.
  • stephkj31
    stephkj31 Posts: 1
    I work until 2 am Monday-Friday. I used to eat when I got home from work. Now I drink a v-8 in lots of ice. It fills me up so I can fall asleep and a 12 ounce can is only 70 calories.
  • Thanks all, I eat to eat not because I'm hungry, I just feel like a munch. Then when I eat it I'll feel sick and depressed that I've cheated again but can't seem to stop myself. Will try all these ideas.
    Thanks again
  • bkknauer
    bkknauer Posts: 28
    apple with fresh ground peanut butter very filling evening snack...
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Just allocate your calories later in the day. I like to eat at night so I eat 2/3 of my calories after 7 pm. 1/2 of them in the last hour before bed. Meal timing will not have an impact on your goals.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm a volume person....hand to mouth...keep busy.....popcorn, celery bites cut super carrots cut up....healthier choices to keep my hands & mouth occupied....some habits die hard.....a cup of decaf at night also helps feel full....
  • noelr56
    noelr56 Posts: 107 Member
    I have had this exact same problem with the Slim-Fast plan! I ended up switching when I had my shakes, so I had one for breakfast, a sensible lunch and then a shakre for dinner! My evening snacks were usually carrots, celery or apple slices.. I found the crunchy snacks more satisfying cause they were something that I couldn't just inhale. Good luck!
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I work until 2 am Monday-Friday. I used to eat when I got home from work. Now I drink a v-8 in lots of ice......

    ... and Vodka??? Yum! :drinker:
  • Kate12041
    Kate12041 Posts: 5 Member
    If you find you're eating the wrong things at night, it could be as simple just to remove those snacks from your house and replace them with healthier ones that the people above me have suggested! Good Luck!
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    I saw some great youtube videos from The Sweaty Betties on this topic last week. But here is something else to help too.