My 10 year old HATES veggies....



  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I can't blame the kid...I love potatoes too! My kids started to get "out" of their picky stages in middle and early high school. Before that, they simply detested just about all veggies.
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    a couple of other ideas are:
    1. Gardening, if a kid grows it, they'll enjoy eating it more
    2. Get your munchkin in on the grocery shopping and have her pick out some veggies she'd be open to trying (although you're going to have to establish a rule that she actually WILL be trying them!)
    3. Fruit smoothies with veg thrown in, recipes abound and some are actually quite tasty (I'm not advocating any powders here, I just mean blending stuff up. If texture's a problem, this can help.)

    My son is 10 and we've been doing all of these things for quite a few years and it has really helped. He also prefers raw over cooked and actually will eat salad ingredients, but doesn't want "any" of them together and definitely no dressings. I guess he's a clean eater and doesn't even know . LOL. These are good tips, and worked for us, especially having them picking out something at the store.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I "disguise" rather than "hide" veggies for both my 8 year old and 37 year old. They know they are there and my son helps me cook but will only eat them if they dont resemble veggies in their natural state. Zuccini is really easy to grate and stir into almost everything, as is steamed and mashed pumpkin. Honestly though I dont stress it though as my husband has been a reluctant vegetable eater all his life and has managed to get to middle age without any health problems
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    whatever happened to "you can't leave the table until you finish your vegtables?"

    serve less of the main course, and a side of veggies. kid only gets seconds if they finish veggies.

    i will admit that i was a picky eater as a kid, mostly with vegtables. i loved potatoes and carrots. peppers and onions too. as i grew up i started eating others, but still, brocolli and cauliflower are not my thing.

    oh hey, how about stir fry?? with some noodles and chicken, you can mask chopped up asparagus and other veggies in with it.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    I'd then get a small amount (not touching my other food, because otherwise I'd feel like it was contaminating everything else

    I'm still this way.. nothing touches or its contaminated :laugh:
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    Have her do the prep work. My kids were more likely to eat what they cooked. Shuck the corn, score the cucumbers with a fork (why did that seem to make them taste better?) break up the broccoli......
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    So I took my daughter to the doctor today and she wants her to start eating better and exercising more. My daughter is within the healthy BMI for her age but she hates pretty much all veggies except potatoes. Any advice on how to incorporate more veggies in her diet?!?

    I still dont like Veggies, but I love V8 fusion. See if she likes it! One serving of fruits and vegetables per 8oz cup

    An alternative would be to use a blender to mix vegetables into a fruit smoothie

  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I've heard it can take up to 14 exposures to get a child to finally taste something. Keep on trying.

    One idea you could try (though I was much younger when my parents did this - like 5 or 6 and I'm not picky at all) is tell her she has to take a "no thank you bite" - she has to try one bite and if she really doesn't like it she can say "no thank you" and doesn't have to eat it, but by doing that with me and my brother, we got over most of the foods we thought were gross and as adults we enjoy a good variety of foods, including veggies (the only veggies I won't eat are lima beans and eggplant).
  • gorgeoouslady
    Try to make green smoothie: 2 handful of Spinach or Kale, 2 cups of water, one whole banana, and frozen mixed fruits. My toddler loves it. You can research about green smoothie on websites which is good for kids.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    problem solved.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    For ranch dressing, get a packet of ranch mix and throw it into a cup of greek yogurt. It tastes sooo good and is healthier than store-bought ranch.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Every once in awhile my kids rely too heavy on junk. I take them to the store and tell them I will buy ANYTHING they want as long Asia is healthy (ish). They go hog wild. Then suddenly the veggies they wouldn't eat before, they will now because they have ownership. Also, sometimes I learn new things about what they are interested in or want to try.

    I do the hide trick as well as the ranch trick.
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Start her on sweeter, milder veggies. When I was that age I ate cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Make her a salad with butter lettuce, as it has a milder flavor and is much softer than romaine.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Try green smoothies. Kids wouldn't notice the difference. Another trick is to mulch the veggies in a blende and stick them in pizza or spaghetti sauce.
  • TheShrinkingKween
    TheShrinkingKween Posts: 91 Member
    If you find out, please let me know! My daughter is 17 and I had always offerd her fresh fruits and veggies since she was able to eat them, but has ALWAYS spit them out. She will eat bananas, fruit cups and mashed potatoes only. When she was younger (elementary age) she would either gag when we tried to MAKE her eat them, or swallow them whole, My husband swears that he and our daughter are "supertasters", where apparently they have more taste buds than average, making fruit and veggies taste extemely bitter. He is now 50 and finally able to eat more veggies in his diet. Even me cutting onions will clear her out of a room because she will gag just smelling them. Also, if we order a sandwhich at a restaraunt and someone as even "touched" lettuce or onions before making her food, she can taste it and won't eat it. Doctors are full of crap if they try and tell you that they will eventually eat them if you continue to offer them....some kids just will never like them. Make sure that your daughter is taking an age appropriate multi-vitamin and stock up on the health foods she will eat like low fat yogurt, string cheese, lean deli meats for quick roll up snacks or whatever else it is she likes. Then incorporate exercise as a family, that way everyone benefits.

    My daughter has always been exactly like yours! She is 16 now and still has that gagging thing with most veggies. She will eat peas, but only a certain canned brand. She will eat a particular brand of green beans on occasion. But other than that, potatoes is it! My son will eat more, but he swears he doesn't like them. I think he just doesn't want to have to eat them because my daughter can't.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    When I was a kid my mom got me to enjoy veggies by both growing and picking our own and also going to the Farmer's Market and letting me pick stuff out. It was an adventure for us to try and find new fruits and veggies to try. It made it fun and being involved made me more inclined to eat.
  • ficklesoul
    ficklesoul Posts: 54 Member
    I would also recommend trying the green smoothie. My little cousins (age 7 and 9) absolutely abhor veggies especially the green ones. When I baby sat them, I whipped up some green smoothie and popsicles with fruit and veggies they polished it off clean without any complains.
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    there are juices that have veggies in them and you cannot even taste it. Also there are cook books with items that you can "hide veggies in.......just do an internet search.....
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    Give her some hummus with them i myself would not give them HIGH FAT DIPS OR dressings or sugary Ketchup its a start of eating unhealthy stuff very young Jessica Seinfeld, has 2 cook books out Deceptively Delicious
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    I go through this with my g/friends kids. It's simple. Veggies are served. Don't want 'em? Then you ain't eating anything else. Cry. Go ahead. I've got all night.