I need some new exercises!

I am new to MFP. I weigh 295lbs and I want to reach 200lbs by the end of the year! I am currently only walking and going to BodyPump at the YMCA which consists of a lot of strength training. I am starting BodyCombat on Monday also at the YMCA. I would love to hear about what some of y'all are doing!

Feel free to add me because I love the extra motivation and I love to motivate people and see their progress!

Taylor :)


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Make small goals each week that will bring you closer to your weight loss goal, make sure you keep a list and check them off as you go, then you can see the accomplishment.
    If you eat something you feel bad for, get over it quick and move on. So you did it, it will probably happen again we are human, pick yourself up and keep going.
    Make healthier choices, every little one counts. Make a meal plan, try a new healthy recipe each week and keep track of what you would change or what you did change in the recipe before long you will have a huge repetoire of go to healthy meals.
    Make an exercise plan and mark each day off as you go again you can see the accomplishment.
    Don't ever give up, if you are having an off day, either talk to someone, or journal, but don't give up.

    Most importantly, take it day by day or hour by hour if you have to. Don't expect it all to come off overnight, it wasn't put there overnight, be prepared to work hard, and see each accomplishment that you've made regardless of how small you think it is. Each week look at what you did and what worked and what you can improve on, this will help you with your list of small goals for the week....pick 1 or 2 to work on per week, anymore than that and you will get frustrated if you don't meet them all.

    You can do this, don't ever tell yourself you can't, you can and you will!!!
    Currently I am doing Insanity but have struggled for years with my weight, been on every diet known to man, yo yoed in weight so many times. I finally found it! I used all of the tips above because i found that when i set my goals too high, i would just give up if i slipped up on my "diet".....needless to say....i don't diet, i make healthier choices, but i do count my calories so that i can see what worked one week and what didn't.
    I hid my scale and take only my measurements because the way i feel can never be replaced by what a scale says. My metabolism has been so screwed up because of all the diets i've tried (your metabolism gets messed up each time) that's why i decided its a healthy way or no way. I have about 20 recipes that i make that are under 500 calories and mix them up. I plan what i am eating my next meal ahead....so for example, while i am eating my breakfast, i am thinking about what i am going to have for a snack so that i am prepared. That way if i am hungry a little before i know exactly what i am having and won't be grazing. Hope some of this helps.
