Fluctuations, 'starvation' myths, and me freaking out...

Okay. I know there are many threads like this but the ones I have read seem to contain a logical explanation (eg. menstruation, sodium intake) that can't possibly be the case for what I found when I weighed myself.

I am 162cm tall. My goal weight is 55kg. For the past
month or so, I have been eating 5000kj (1200cal). I have been
eating more than this on the days that I have been running,
but the past few weeks I have been super busy with

I go running about once a week and did a body balance class
the other day. I do push- ups and sit ups 6 mornings per week
but not enough to burn a significant amount of energy. So I
am not all that active right now but will be more active next
week. So my intention was to increase my food intake next week AND my activity level when the large block of assignments is over.

I went our that night, and had a cheat night. I knew the
scales would read higher and that it was unlikely to be
actual permenant fat gain. I normally don't weigh myself
every day but was curious to see how long it would take to go
back to normal. It read 56.5kg the next morning. My period
also started the next day.

Normally my weight goes up at the start of my period and down
when it is over.

By yesterday morning I was back at 55.2kg.

At this time I am still eating 5000kj with the intention of
upping this next week. I was really busy yesterday and ate
less than normal- 4550kj. Yesterday was also the end of my

THIS morning, I weighed 57.3kg. This is before eating
anything, same time I normally weigh in.

I have been reading mixed things about 'starvation mode' and
it is my understanding that there is no scientific evidence
to suggest that you can gain weight from eating too little,
and that the myth has evolved from a WWII study, ect.

Others are claiming from experience that it does exist.

What I want to know is, even if starvation mode can cause
weight gain, is it physically possible to gain 2.1 kg of
permanant weight/ fat overnight.

I know everyone's weight fluctuates daily but I have been
closely watching my intake of sodium, and my period is over,
which is normally when these fluctuations stop.

Any insight or other explanations would be greatly appreciated.



  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    its water weight I believe
  • aigoooooo
    aigoooooo Posts: 31
    Water weight/retention from sodium, hormone fluctuations even though its supposed to be over, scale got moved? It sounds silly but I was told you shouldn't move a scale because it messes with calibrations (i am not a scale scientist, or any scientist, obviously).
  • 1992Leigh1992
    1992Leigh1992 Posts: 100 Member
    Oh! I went to visit my Dad's last night so I was carrying the scales in my bag ALL day... would that have an impact? I feel REALLY silly now.

    Also, I accidentally posted this thread twice. How do I delete the other one?
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    If it just happened this morning, what makes you think it is permanent? Did you eat a lot at night (because that food would still be in your system...not because you gain weight if you eat after a certain time). Did you have a bowel movement?

    My sister was freaking out on Tuesday because she "gained" 9lbs in 3 days. Mathematically she knew it COULDN'T happen--she was expecting to gain one or two because of some crazy eating but she did not eat enough cals to gain 9 lbs. However seeing the number on the scale really bugged her but she figured she'd give it a week before making any major changes. She continued on with her TDEE-20% +exercise and told me today 8 of the 9lbs were gone.

    I know that is anecdotal and there are many others who are far more knowledgable than I am to help you.....but I wouldn't call a 1-2lbs gain over 3 days permanent. Try not to stress and just keep making healthy choices with exercise you enjoy!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    There are simply a myriad of factors that control short term gain....could be anything from not having regular bowel movements to an increase in liquids in your system to hormones to etc..etc..etc...

    Alot of women are accustomed to seeing specific things before/after their TOM and then overthink it when it doesn't happen like they expect.

    There is a reason most people only weigh once a week...it drives them nuts when they try to micromanage daily fluctuations.
  • 1992Leigh1992
    1992Leigh1992 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks everyone. I didn't eat a lot the night before. I ate a dinner of 1600 kj at 6.30pm... I normally eat 1700kj at around 7pm.

    Anyway, now that I think about it I have not had regular bowel movements and that is very likely a factor.

    I guess I just wanted to confirm that I did not indeed gain 2kg of actual body fat overnight. I guess I was worried that my current diet that was previously working is suddenly causing weight gain, and that it would continue.