Elliptical Estimated Calories Vs. HRM

ddzubow Posts: 65 Member
I just got a heart rate monitor and decided to use it during one of my regular elliptical exercises to see how the calories burned compared. I expected some discrepancies, especially since I don't keep my hands on the elliptical's HRM, so I assume it's basing the count purely on the level of resistance and RPMs. What I wasn't expecting was a difference of nearly 50%!

Calories Burned (45 minutes, medium-high resistance, going at least 60 RPMs at all times):
HRM (Polar F11) - 620
Elliptical - 440

I was hoping someone had some kind of input on which numbers could be trusted. I've always heard that elliptical's over-estimate calories, so I was surprised to see that it was the lower number, especially by that much.

For the time being I'm just going to ues the lower of the two numbers so I don't over estimate my exercise calories.



  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    I would like to know this as well. Myself, I would trust the HRM over any machine or any other app might tell you.