new to losing fat and gaining muscle.

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get into shape, but because I've had a couple of BIG babies that stretched my skin, even if I managed to get thin, I'd have all that skin left over, looking to build some serious muscle to go in the fats place, and hopefully get tighter skin as a result. Looking forward to learning how exactly the dynamics of this whole relationship works. I'm at the gym every 2nd day lifting, 42kg's 12reps 2 sets on 4 diff machines, squats and reverse crunches and the like, but because I still have a very abusive relationship with food, not seeing the results I need.

I'd like to get back to the weight I was BC (before children) but I know muscle weighs a lot so as long as I look good, not fussed with the numbers on a scale.

I know you shouldn't diet or use the word because you can't maintain it but I'm hopeless I need someone telling me what I can and can't have and when- or I use the fact that I've been to the gym as an excuse to eat badly, or use the fact that I'm not putting weight on, as a go ahead to keep eating like this- at least in not getting more out of shape right? It doesn't make sense but I am just my own worst enemy.

any one have a link to a specific meal plan I would love that. Thank you all. And hi.