1200 calories of what? stuck and need help!

I'm eating 1200 calories of oatmeal, fruits, chicken, salad, bread, and deli meat, fruits, some veggies and a lot of water.

I've searched this site and thought my pitfall was not eating back calories I burned. So I did that and gained 3 lbs. I guessed I would, but do I just keep gaining or is there a point you stop gaining?

Also, would someone clarify TDEE, BMR and finding your goal weight?

I'm 5'7, 159 lbs.
Eating 1200 calories, burning about 500-600 calories, 4 times a week.

I read I should eat back what I burned, but 1800 calories seems like a lot.

Help? Thanks in advance!


  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    You could try upping your calories, so that you don't have to eat back exercise calories. So eat at 1800 and then burn your 500+ calories but don't eat them back. Make sure you net at least 1200 after exercise, if not at your BMR.