has weight loss taken over your life?



  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friend,

    I feel some of these same things too. Life is about balance, I think when I look at when I was healthiest (no I wasn't at my DREAM WEIGHT, but I was more fit, had more energy, and enjoyed life) it was when I combined my healthy lifestyle with a social life and fun: hiking with a friend, trail rides with my horse buddies, girls night of wii justdance (so when we ate pizza I could say meh - evens out a bit), basically fitting in all my favorite things with a healthy lifestyle... I didn't consider myself "on a diet", or obsessively count calories, I just planned to get a well rounded week in (a few workouts, some friend time - bonus points if it is a healthy/healthier activity, some me time)... best of luck, I think my ultimate goal beyond losing pounds or inches is more BALANCE: between my relationship with my body, my inner self, and my loved ones.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    When I decided to deal with the weight last fall it was because of a diabetes scare I had. I had to make it a priority or I was looking at type 2 diabetes. So I looked at the process as a job-allotting several hours a day to research, cooking, etc. It has been a huge part of my life over the past few months, but now I'm in maintenance and that part is over. Now I spend less time thinking through the process, but I do still spend several hours a week cooking, keeping up on medical studies etc. I think this will be an ongoing thing, because when I stop spending the time on it, is when I start getting lazy about it. I need to make the effort to cook, read message boards etc. because that keeps me on track :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes it's taken over my life. I haven't had any social life in ages so at least that hasn't really changed, and I guess I'm 'lucky' that my life is boring anyway so at least it gives me something to do...I just wish I actually enjoyed working out. I'm just forcing myself to do it, and the idea that I'll have to keep doing it forever is not very exciting. The diet part I don't mind too much, but I don't really have any desire to binge on fatty foods anymore, I just wish I was at maintenance already and I could stop worrying when my weight loss starts stalling.