Gaining, not losing?

Jmchao Posts: 27 Member
Ok...going to head off a lot of garbage right now... "they" say it takes 3500 calories to gain/lose a pound. So...I eat an average of 1660 calories a day (5'8" and 240lbs and light-moderate activity). I've started adding walking/light jogging to my regimen and my goal is simply to reach or exceed 10,000 steps a day. I have logged everything and even entered recipes I have made to ensure I calculate the calories correctly. So...the garbage...

1) Yes, I am tracking every morsel entering my mouth. I weigh, measure, etc. etc. etc.

2) No, I have not gained muscle (it's been only 2 weeks and I am not lifting weight right now and a pound is a pound is a pound and muscle helps burn fat so if anything, the weight should remain about the same, not go up)

3) I am NOT in starvation mode...I am coming in at approximately a 350 calorie deficit each day.

4) Yes, I drink water.

5) Yes, I eat fruits and veggies and have stayed away from my sweets (which is killing me!)

6) I eat lean proteins that are baked or grilled, never fried.

7) my sodium is less than 2500 mg per day ( as set by MFP)

8) I drink water and use the bathroom many times a day with virtually clear urine, so I am more than sufficiently hydrated. the math...if I am at an average deficit of 350 calories x 7 days a week x 2 weeks = 4900 calorie deficit overall. That should be at least a 1.25 pound loss, right? So why am I up 5 pounds? takes 3500 calories to make a pound, so even if I am going to get garbage responses about not eating enough, holding on to fat, blah blah still takes 3500 calories to make a pound, and I am eating at a deficit each day, so mathematically, I cannot have gained 5 pounds....but I have. And it's not going down any...and if it takes 3500 to make/take a pound, I have NOT eaten 17,500 excessive calories in the past 2 weeks. Heck, even if I ate 2000 calories a day and burned nothing, that's still only 14,000 calories in 2 weeks, which is still not enough to gain 5 pounds.

Has anyone else struggled with this and how did you work through it? Yes, I have an underactive thyroid that is being treated with meds, no other medical conditions or medications. Yes, I see my doctor regularly (went within the past 6 months, so I know everything else checks out). But again-even though the thyroid may make it a tad more challenging, I have not mathematically eaten enough to gain 5 pounds.

So where the heck is this weight coming from and how do I get rid of it? I'm trying to get into shape, so please do not suggest I start doing insane workouts and such as I can hardly breathe walking to the mailbox, so to make/break 10,000 steps a day IS a challenge for me right now.

I am just getting so frustrated and ready to quit again. It kills me to see/hear of others dropping 5+ pounds a week (even if it were that mythical "water weight", I'd be happy to see that go!) and here I've gained. I am at a loss....emotionally, not physically...


  • Reeceybaby1988
    I've started adding walking/light jogging to my regimen and my goal is simply to reach or exceed 10,000 steps a day.

    this plus natural water fluctuations, when do you weigh youself? is it at the same time/day every week? or are you one of those obsesive people who NEED to weigh themselves every 5 mins?


    dodgey scales?

    do you need a massive crap? coz i can shave off easily 2lbs in a matter of 5 mins that way :D
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You've just started exercising..could be your body is holding on to water to repair muscle.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You've just started exercising..could be your body is holding on to water to repair muscle.


    This. ( drinking water will not solve this type of water retention)

    Opening your diary would be a huge help as well.

    ETA this link