Looking for similar friends 100+ lbs

I'm 33 yo married female. 3 kids. 5'3 SW 247 CW 235.6. Looking to get to 120-130. Figure it out when I get there lol Been dieting an exercising for a month now. Seeking friends who are similar :)


  • kshilliard
    kshilliard Posts: 16 Member
    I also have a long way to go! I am 260 so I have about 120 pounds to lose.
  • Hi. I'm also 33 and currently 264lbs. Have lost 2lbs in 10 days since starting my diet. Happy to keep in touch and try to motivate if needed!

    I should mention I am looking to get to at least 140lbs and then take it from there if want to lose more.
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    No longer have that much to lose, but well done guys for starting the journey. Good luck :)
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    OptimisticlyOptimistic Posts: 162 Member
    Hi there! My stats are about the same. I'll send you an add so we can share in the ride!
  • bornleader79
    bornleader79 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi.Im also 33/married/2kids, 5'10.5 SW 309 CW 282.4. I have lost almost 30 pounds since Mid April 2013. Lost 10 pounds last year(I use to be 319 pounds) I would like to be 170 pounds : )
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    started at 236 when I jsut rededicated. CW: 209.9 (or so) and my goal is 140-ish. I'm a great supporter! But do delete people frequently that don't participate or support back. :flowerforyou:

    Edited to add: my highest weight was 242..which is why I consider myself part of the 100+ to lose club :) I'm 5'6", and log every day - even when I don't feel good or have "splurge days"
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me just add a little message when you do :)

    AGE 30
    Highest Weight : 346
    Current Weight : 328-331 depending on water retention for the day
    Goal Weight : 175-190
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Feel free to add me! I log on pretty much daily (unless I am taking a cheat day) and enjoy interacting...support, encouragement.

    I am 31, currently weigh 272. I am down 10lbs from when I started about a month ago and want to get down to about 140.
  • nomesw84
    nomesw84 Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone, I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds!

    I'm nearly 29, SW 300.5 CW 265.72 GW 168 - would like to get lower than this but figure it's a good starting point!!
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I am in the 100+ pound club! 347 was where I started and I am looking to get sub 250 (I am 6'4" with a big build so any lower than that is pretty tough). Anyone feel free to add me!
  • deblabo
    deblabo Posts: 1 Member
    This is my 3rd day on program. I am 5'1' 224. Still stumbling through the process. Any help on getting started?
    I noticed that my PC doesnt seem to update my app info on my phone. Are you using both?
  • whitlisd
    whitlisd Posts: 85
    I also belong to the club. Currently 272, 41 and 5"6". I've been on here for 50 days and have lost 24 lbs. Add me if you like!
  • Lifereclaiming
    Lifereclaiming Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I am from Greece, 40 years old. I am currently 146 Kg (320 pounds) and need at a first stage to lose about 46 Kg (101 pounds). I have already lost 11 Kg (24 pounds) so far using MFP.

    Please feal free to add me! We all need motivation!
  • SpinSpinSugar69
    SpinSpinSugar69 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm working towards the same goal. so far so good.I need people to motivate and to motivate me.:)
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    feel free to add me: im 34 yrs old, married and have 3 kids. my SW: 323 and CW: 286 ... my goal is to get to 180.
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    thanks for all the great responses guys! it's always nice to know you are not alone. i'll get on those adds right now :) look forward to motivating and being motivated!
  • TMcMillan
    TMcMillan Posts: 59 Member

    CW: 265
    GW: 185

    Feel free to add me.
  • missxoshell
    missxoshell Posts: 13 Member
    I also have 100+ pounds to lose! I added you :)
  • Lovelyloralee
    Lovelyloralee Posts: 20 Member
    Me too :) I have 180 #'s to lose (gasp!) but I have lost 16 of those so far - we can do this together!
  • sh0emann
    sh0emann Posts: 46
    Same for me. 100 lbs