knee problems

bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions for me on my knee problem. I don't have any pain while running. (I'm at 3 miles a day) I stretch like I'm supposed to, but anytime I have my leg bent or strait for any length of time, it is so hard to bend and it hurts. (mostly my left knee)
I didn't know if a knee brace would help or not.
Any ideas???


  • halielilith
    halielilith Posts: 15
    If your knee doesn't hurt while running, I don't think a knee brace is necessary. I had surgery on my left knee, and mine too "locks up" on me after keeping it bent or straight for long periods of time. The best thing I've found to help is to straighten it when bent occassionally and to bend it while straighten it. This keeps the muscles from tighten up into one certain position. I wouldn't worry too much, unless it does start to hurt while running. If that happens, I would go to the doctor immediately; you don't want an injury to sideline your progress!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Thank! :smile:
    It's more in the joint, not really a muscle thing....tendon probably????
    But I'll just have to remember that I can't not move it.
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    Sounds like patellar femoral syndrome to me.

    Or you could have inflamed bursa sacs. They are located medially, laterally, and posterior of your patella. Also, tendonitis (inflammation) of your quadricep tendon or patella tendon.



    Compress (ace wrap)

    Ibuprofen for pain management. 200-800mg w/ food or milk 3x a day or q8h (every 8 hours)

    Give it 4-6 weeks. If pain/injury still pursists, consult your doc as it could be something major. Anything you can do to strengthen your quadriceps will allow you to recover. A lot of times our bodies will compensate and put a large amount of weight on our knees, because our quadriceps cannot handles the amount of weight or stress.

    Any other questions, just ask.

    I work in our Troop Medical Clinic in the Army. We have a ton of muscoskeletal injuries due to the amount of physical training we do.

    Hope it helps.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Sounds like patellar femoral syndrome to me.

    Or you could have inflamed bursa sacs. They are located medially, laterally, and posterior of your patella. Also, tendonitis (inflammation) of your quadricep tendon or patella tendon.



    Compress (ace wrap)

    Ibuprofen for pain management. 200-800mg w/ food or milk 3x a day or q8h (every 8 hours)

    Give it 4-6 weeks. If pain/injury still pursists, consult your doc as it could be something major. Anything you can do to strengthen your quadriceps will allow you to recover. A lot of times our bodies will compensate and put a large amount of weight on our knees, because our quadriceps cannot handles the amount of weight or stress.

    Any other questions, just ask.

    I work in our Troop Medical Clinic in the Army. We have a ton of muscoskeletal injuries due to the amount of physical training we do.

    Hope it helps.
    Very helpful post! Thanks!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I think because I'm heavy footed may also play a part.
    I will give it a try.
    I hear the training in the military is hard core.

    Oh, and thanks to all the men and women serving our country.
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    military training is very unorthodox.

    Being a medic, we do a lot of medical P.T.

    It's awesome HIIT training. We will do Litter carries. We ran 3 miles with our promask (gas mask) on the other week. We run with our IBA (body armor @25 +/- lbs).

    And, our cadence calling. I'm tellin' you what- you can gas yourself just by trying to yell why you run a 71/2 minute mile lol- all about respiratory managment. Forces you to use your core!!!

    I wouldn't say hardcore. We just do a dang good job of keeping it fresh. Majority of the time though, I'm in the weight room. Bcuz formation runs force us to stay together at a group, and run 9 min miles because of overweight soldiers.......thats hard on your knees!

    Thanks for the comments though!

    Hope the knees start to get better!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might try resting it for a couple of days. Running 3 miles every single day could cause an overuse problem. I tend to work out too much and then my knee gets a little tender and sore. If I rest, take advil, and use ice for a day or two, I can usually just get back to it.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    Sounds like patellar femoral syndrome to me.

    Or you could have inflamed bursa sacs. They are located medially, laterally, and posterior of your patella. Also, tendonitis (inflammation) of your quadricep tendon or patella tendon.



    Compress (ace wrap)

    Ibuprofen for pain management. 200-800mg w/ food or milk 3x a day or q8h (every 8 hours)

    Give it 4-6 weeks. If pain/injury still pursists, consult your doc as it could be something major. Anything you can do to strengthen your quadriceps will allow you to recover. A lot of times our bodies will compensate and put a large amount of weight on our knees, because our quadriceps cannot handles the amount of weight or stress.

    Any other questions, just ask.

    I work in our Troop Medical Clinic in the Army. We have a ton of muscoskeletal injuries due to the amount of physical training we do.

    Hope it helps.

    any recommendations on how to strengthen quadriceps?
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255