
This post has very little to do with weight loss. But the anxiety my car causes me makes me want to eat chips by the bagfull.

My car is being an *kitten*. Example: It would not turn over this morning. Key in ignition, nada - no lights, no sound. Seconds later fires right up. And the clock is on the wrong time and all the radio preset stations are scrambled again. I put in reverse it stalls out and I am back to cranking it back up. Grrrrr! It starts I go.

This is the second time I take it to the repair shop and they can't tell me what it really is because they can't duplicate the problem. So I leave and drive to work. I get one block from work check engine light comes on and car shakes and nearly dies at 4 way stop. Car would not do this at the repair place.

Yesterday it did the same thing but it did it after it idled for a bit while I was parked. Normally it stalls out at every light, 4 way stop and I have to crank it back up to get going. This is usually accompanied by the check engine light coming on sporadically right before it happens. The worst is when it happens while I am going 80 on the interstate and the check engine light comes on and it jerks up because it shuts off then it goes on and decides to keep going and not stall out on the fast lane. It's getting to where I dread driving anywhere.

Anyone out there think it's the ignition tumbler or the ignition switch? Or anything else?

Where's my fricken chocolate....

(edited for typo can to can't)


  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    What is the year,make and model?
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    What is the year,make and model?

    It is a 2003 Kia Spectra (that's probably my problem huh? LOL)
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    Actually, I think your story does have a lot to do with weight loss! Reading your post made me think of a similar situation that happened to me. Having my car break down was just the icing on the cake for a period in my life that was already overwhelmingly difficult.

    About 3 years ago, I was headed out of the city to visit my family for a cookout (I believe it was Memorial Day or 4th of July -- and ironically, I owned a 2001 Kia Rio, ha!). Right after I pulled out of my neighborhood, barely 5 minutes driving, I heard a big POW, and then KLANG, KLANG, KLANG, KLANG, KLANG! I pulled over, and my front tire was completely blown. Some people happened to see me, and suggested a repair shop that was close nearby. So I slowly drove there, bum tire and all, and they gave me this laundry list of things that were wrong with my car, including (3) new tires, rotors, brakes, alignment, struts...and on, and on, and on...

    I had a number of things in the background that were going on all at the same time - financial ruin and a wounded pride because at the time I couldn't find a job, bank accounts chronically empty, the mortgage company was trying to foreclose my home, I was coming off a failed relationship where I found out he was cheating and had another girl pregnant, my sister in Iraq ... EVERYTHING! Bad enough I had to lean on my parents to help me pay my bills, I was so broke my parents had to give me gas money that day to even go out of town -- and now I'm being told I need ABCDEFG done to my car???

    It was during that year and the year before that my weight SKYROCKETED because it was all so damn stressful. And believe me, when I was at the mechanic shop that day, I had an embarrassing break down when he told me the price for all the repairs. Now here I am today, and struggling to get that weight back off...lose a little, then hit another snag, start the cycle all over again.

    I say that your story, even though about your car troubles on the surface, is linked to weight loss because that stress will have you reaching for what comforts you most -- and in our case, the food. If it wasn't the car, it would be something else...that's what I keep telling myself, that there will always be something that triggers me to want to overeat, so I'm trying to keep that under control. So hard...
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Jeeze..anxiety and stress are one of the biggest factors to unhealthy lifestyles. If not for physical and mental well being, then for causing the subject to eat and eat (or not eat).

    Anxiety and Stress (kinda sorta the same boat) are notorious for wrecking havoc on things like your immune system and health. Can lead to other things like high blood pressure or worse. Honestly I have lots of problems with stress and it causes me to eat things I shouldn't either.

    When it rains it pours so you gotta do your best to keep a cool head and take things one at a time. I have to keep reminding myself that in the end, it always works out for the better.

    Keep your chin up and fighting the good fight fellow fitness pal.