First Post

Hello MFP world-

This is my first post. I started back on February 4th and have lost about 17-19 lbs. For the past 2-3 weeks I have been completely stuck where I am at. Getting really frustrated, sad and annoyed. Still logging into my food diary and working out constantly.

Any advice or words of encouragement? I'll try anything at this point.

Thank you!


  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Change up you workout routine, helped me when I hit the wall
  • lynnyweb
    lynnyweb Posts: 4 Member
    This too is my first post, 2nd day with MFP and 3rd day on the "Military Diet"...a lot of new starts I suppose. Tomorrow I get to eat normal or off the 3 day Military Diet, I am just trying it to get motivated...they claim 10 pounds off in the 3 days, well we will see. But in my encounter with the 3 day Military Diet (found on Pinterst) I came across MFP, put the APP on my phone and really like it so far. I had a few minutes today to look at it on my PC and hence found the message board. I like how MFP holds you accountable for what you eat. This is truly the first time in my life of counting calories. After turning 45 to now (47) everything I eat is bulging around my middle...I have always been a good weight but now I am 30 pounds over my ideal weight. So nice to see someone also new or a first time poster....good luck with your weight loss.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Keep your momentum going... it took 5 weeks before I started to lose are on the right track...=0)
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Hello MFP world-

    This is my first post. I started back on February 4th and have lost about 17-19 lbs. For the past 2-3 weeks I have been completely stuck where I am at. Getting really frustrated, sad and annoyed. Still logging into my food diary and working out constantly.

    Any advice or words of encouragement? I'll try anything at this point.

    Thank you!

    Congratulations! That's great I see you are very close to your goal! That could be by you are stuck were you are at. Change something up a bit either the number of calories you are eating or how much you work out, or what you do when you work out.

    Again congratulations on being so close to your goal weight!
  • DorineDieet
    DorineDieet Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Ava,

    i was wondering, did you recalculate you TDEE recently or are you still eating same calories as when you started in feb.

    After 17 lbs lost, there's probably about a 80 to 100 calorie difference in your TDEE, so to loose at same pace you should eat that same amount less compared to start of diet, right ?

    I've just started a week ago on MPF, so I don't know if maybe MPF automatically recalculates you're daily calories to adjust for lowered TDEE as you loose weight, or if you have to do it yourself.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Stick with it!

    Try changing up your workout routine, add in strength training (if you currently are not) or HIIT cardio (High Intensity Interval Training). This may help you get over the plateau.

    @lynnyweb, good luck with tracking everything. One thing I learned from when I first started to now, I was a little off on my portions and what I was actually consuming. it might be beneficial for you to measure out your foods (if possible) to get a better concept of what 4oz of chicken or 1cup of green beans looks like, after a while, it will be no problem! Also, I would suggest trying to stay away from fad diets, usually if it sounds too good to be true, it is. The best bet is to control your portion size, make sure you aren't consuming empty calories (ex: soda) and add some exercise to your routine if you are able.

    Good luck to you both! Feel free to add me if you want encouragement along the way