New to the boards :)

Hey everyone!

I've had an account for awhile now, but I've never posted on the boards before. Actually, I've barely even tracked my food/exercise on here either. Normally I'll track for a day or two and then get frustrated and stop.... but this time I'm hoping to stay on track for good!

I'm 27 years old, 5'2" and currently 165lbs (as of this morning!). My highest weight was 195lbs, but that was at the end of my pregnancy last March. After the normal post-baby weight loss I was down to 170lbs and have fluctuated around there ever since. I'm tired of feeling tired all the time and out of breath just from walking the stairs.

My goal weight is 125lbs, which is what I weighed a few months before my wedding... I know I have a long road ahead of me and I will probably struggle a lot with changing how much I eat and how little I exercise. My family aren't very good motivators for me. None of them seem to get how serious I am about losing this weight. SOOO I'm hoping to make some friends on here that can help push me in the right direction!!

Here's to starting this journey for the LAST time!


  • Brallen1969
    Brallen1969 Posts: 91
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am on here daily and do my best to comment and encourage my friends.