OMG I lost 8lbs in one night?? (secret inside)

tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
Thai food.

Thanks food poisoning :sick:


  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    **frantically looks in phone book for the closest thai restaurant**
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Spicy noodle with king prawns, by the way. I'm off seafood for a good while now.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Spicy noodle with king prawns, by the way. I'm off seafood for a good while now.

    did it come out of both ends ?
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    If Thai food took off 8lbs a night I'd have evaporated at some point...

    Sorry you got sick. That sucks.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    ohhh noooo. :( Hope you feel better soon
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Spicy noodle with king prawns, by the way. I'm off seafood for a good while now.

    did it come out of both ends ?

    Yes. I couldn't even take in water because it would come back up. I had a 6pack this morning I was so dehydrated #lookonthebrightside
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Oh crap! (lol)

    You should totally write a book about it! You will be rich! You found the miracle diet!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    **frantically looks in phone book for the closest thai restaurant**

    lol - make sure you leave the prawns in the sun for a bit!
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Ugh, my WORST food experience ever was Thai....never again, I get nervous driving by Thai restaurants. Drink lots of water, or maybe pedialyte type drinks.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Spicy noodle with king prawns, by the way. I'm off seafood for a good while now.

    did it come out of both ends ?

    Yes. I couldn't even take in water because it would come back up. I had a 6pack this morning I was so dehydrated #lookonthebrightside
    woah! they were right about something. Abs are made in the Thai Kitchen
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member

    woah! they were right about something. Abs are made in the Thai Kitchen

    You should totally write a book about it! You will be rich! You found the miracle diet!
    Ellen is interviewing me about it next week. She asked for a demonstration..
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    strong username to post
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    **frantically looks in phone book for the closest thai restaurant**

    Hilarious :laugh:
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Spicy noodle with king prawns, by the way. I'm off seafood for a good while now.

    did it come out of both ends ?

    Yes. I couldn't even take in water because it would come back up. I had a 6pack this morning I was so dehydrated #lookonthebrightside

  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Oh crap! (lol)

    You should totally write a book about it! You will be rich! You found the miracle diet!

    And ask Dr. Oz to endorse it. You'll make millions.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I had Thai food today *crosses fingers*
  • MichaelaaJ
    MichaelaaJ Posts: 79 Member
    I'm so glad you made it through.. I'm sure at some point you thought you wouldn't pull through.. that was my experience anyway. :)

    haha .. i would have def got a picture of the 6 pack #fanofthebrightside #thesunwillcomeouttomorrow

    You MUST add this experience to the thinspiration community as well ;)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Thai food.

    Thanks food poisoning :sick:

    I've had that lovely experience before, too, in Guatemala.... hope you're okay now!!!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I thought there was going be a cute pic of a new 8lb baby as the secret.