SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, May 31st

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Happy Memorial Day!

The heat has come. When the weather shows the orange sun, it's going to be hot. Predicted 100 before the end of the week. Sure glad the commuter challenge ends today. I don't know if I'll get any more rides in today. I have three classes to teach, and I'm not feeling 100% today.

My fantasy goal was 124 trips for the month of May (that's two errands a day). I got pretty close at 117 and 223 miles. The way it's scored is if I go to yoga and back, that's two trips - but if I go to yoga, to the library, then back home, that's three trips. Right now, our team is in 3rd, and I'm in 14th on the solo challenge - but could easily be pushed to 15th or 16th, if someone hasn't logged in awhile. Ok, I just saw on someone's ride chart : to empty trashcan. Oh, you've got to be kidding - walk already! There's someone else that logs: homeward leg 1, homeward leg 2 - I wouldn't mind except the total is 1.5 miles for both. Anyway, we all pad our rides a little. I went to the post office 3x times this week (it's about a mile away), and normally I would walk to the blue box up the street (about 1/4 a mile away).

Competition, boogaloo!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Memorial Day!

    Mary, sounds like you did great on the competition!

    Not to be a downer but I am not having a great weekend. It actually seems to be harder for me emotionally today than it was two days ago. Going to church was not easy. Two of our guy friends got teary eyed when talking to me and another girl did too. I am glad we have such close church family, so that when we hurt they do too and we when we rejoice they do too. But it also makes it hard on me emotionally. I really feel like staying in bed under the covers. We went for a stroll last night (my only exercise in like three days) and when we got back we noticed we had a flat tire. DH is going to take care of that this morning. Just a nuisance.
    Today the plan is to go see our friends again. Probably not any exercise unless we have time to walk again tonight. Eating is not going well. I do eat when I am depressed and stressed. Not good. Being out of my weekly/daily routine is hard too. I think tomorrow things will pick back up again and hopefully I'll have some mojo.
    CP, you look really awesome in your picture. I should look at your pics everyday because it's a reminder of what I want to accomplish. I showed DH and said you lost 60+. His eyes got kinda big and he said you look great. :smile:

    I'd better get busy. I need to straighten up the house before we go. I'm glad we will be with people today. That helps.

    Hoping for some good news this week boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    I cannot believe this is the last day of May.

    Tried the new studio for Zumba. Loved the instructor (a trainer I used to take a spin class with, who is in reality a dancer). It was super fun and very, very challenging, so it sort of cushioned the Saturday class loss for me. The studio was a bit weird, I thought the floor was a bit slippery for dancing, so I really need to invest in a pair of dance sneakers now. Also, I was really feeling soreness to the point of pain in my achilles and whatever the side of your ankles is called, so I'm taking a day off today. I am also still sore from the boot camp, so my body needs a rest day. I may go for a walk, but that's it. Seriously.

    I am trying to be in a one day at a time baby step mode right now. I'm really freaking, my allergies have gone crazy, and the deadlines feel really too close. That spanish exam I kept thinking was on the 16th is actually on the 9th, and all of the assignments have to be graded, recorded and handed back over to the prof by the 14th. I keep saying that after those two things are over, I'm taking a week to nap and play in the sunshine before I get back on the "goal train." (my current phrase for the degree checklist).

    Mary, that biking is super-impressive. It would be cool if they could put odometers on your bikes somehow, so that it would be a real "no padding" challenge. But, that's just me and my desire to have everything be completely and utterly fair.

    Yesterday, I sat down with the schedules for all the classes of the three workout place options I have and did a daily schedule of options. I have four-six class options every single day. Add to that I can go for a walk or choose a DVD at home, or just do elliptical some other cardio or weights at my gym on my own...I have definitely reached workout nirvana.

    Goal train, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    I think you deserve at least some time in bed under the covers. You are totally entitled to grieve. :heart:

    I know what you mean about getting upset when other people get upset for you...if anybody cries within ten paces of me, I start in and become a puddle.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    June, really? How did it get here so fast? And 104* this coming weekend? Yuck.

    I will admit, I totally blew it this weekend. I caved. But I am not beating myself up about it. I may have set myself back a little but I didn't quit. I'm going to work on drinking lots of water today, getting a good work out in (including push ups), and eating better and less.
    I have a lot of laundry and house work to do, so I am going to try to stay off the computer more than I have been.
    I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I will get breakfast and get to work. Hope you all have a good day.
    Hoping for improvement (in every area) this week boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Happy Birthday CP!

    I need ideas. Husband's 40th is coming up next month and I'm ordering fortune cookies for everyone to have as a party favor. I can have 5 different fortunes. I would like them to be amusing and birthday related. Let me know if you have any ideas.

    I made it through all three classes yesterday with my stuffy nose. Today, I'm taking it easy with a light walk and my one teaching class at noon. If I feel better, I will do more this afternoon. I also need to do some cooking.

    I hope your funk lifts soon, MM. You have a right to be in one.

    Stuffy head, boo, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Off to Zumba in just a few minutes, then it's shopping for dance sneakers for Zumba (my knees are starting to kill cushion was fine for one class a week, but not 3-4). Also, I have an appointment downtown and need to try to burn through another pile of assignments (that's 100 per pile, if you're counting.) Later, I may try gym yoga.

    I'm in a bit of a funk, and need to snap out of it. I'm having a little bit of a deer-in-the-headlights anxiety time, and I need to just keep moving forward, however slowly. I will just make a reasonable to-do list and keep checking things off of it.

    Breathe in, breathe out, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am back! We had a pretty fun weekend with lots of activities, which was especially impressive given that it was a holiday and we had no plans/reservations of any kind. I ate a lot, but was also pretty active - we went hiking, tried rock climbing for the first time (inside in a gym - it was fun!), and went whitewater rafting. The rafting was fun, but pretty high intensity - I was a bit relieved once we were out of the rapids. My quads are super sore from bracing myself so I wouldn't get thrown out of the boat (imagine squatting for about 3 hours), and my shoulders and back are sore from paddling. But the weather was great, and we totally lucked into the trip. And I got a massage back at the hotel afterwards. :bigsmile:

    My interviews went well on Friday, and it sounds like I'm still at the top of their list. I tried to think about what I wanted to do some while I was gone, but then I also tried not to think about it (if that makes any sense). I'm having lunch with the hiring manager tomorrow. Eek! I think the new job is probably better in a lot of ways, but I'm still struggling because of "quality of life"-type issues (commuting, not working with my friends and being too far away to meet them for lunch, being on-call all the time) and the idea of being more of a solo act rather than part of a team. So, I felt a little less celebratory on my birthday than I usually do, just because emotionally I'm still a bit tense. My husband took me out for a birthday cupcake, and got them to put a candle in it for me. :smooched:

    Hang in there, V! It sounds like they've got you in a ridiculous spot, but I'm sure you will get through it. Be careful with the ankle; tendonitis is no fun. Mary, way to go on the commuter challenge. That's awesome! I'll ask hubby if he can help me think of a fortune for you (he's clever). MM, thank you for the sweet comments! :blushing: I hope this week starts to look better, but keep being gentle with yourself in any case. :heart: And kick those push-ups' butts! :wink:

    Weekly novel, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Mary, I am not very witty, but I'll see if anything pops into my head.
    V, did you get through a pile of assignments yesterday?
    CP, your trip sounds fun. I told DH just yesterday that I would like to try indoor rock climbing some time. It looks fun. Hope you get the job decision squared away soon. I know that weighs on you.
    Bobbie, where'd you go?
    And what happened to Mummsy?

    I got a lot done yesterday. Got to surprise DH with a nice, clean, uncluttered livingroom when he got home. I need to tackle another room today. Got a work out in and drank all my water. Struggled with eating but I did do a little better. I did push ups, week three, level two, still on my knees. I think my heart still feels so heavy that I can't hold myself up to do plank yet. :tongue: I may try plank next week.
    Hope to hear some kind of news today. The agency director gets back from vacation. DH asked what would happen if we decide to move or he gets another job (good possibility in July). I imagine we will have to redo a bunch of paper work. If anything looks unstable while doing the adoption, it doesn't look good to the judge, so we've been waiting to change anything for almost two years.
    Oh, by the way, I think the rats are gone! I think they finally plugged the hole. We may not know for sure till fall/winter (which I am hoping to be gone by then).
    Today: horse therapy, drinking as much water as I can, work out, clean another room, church.
    I'd better get ready to go. Have a good day everyone!
    Newsy note boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Welcome home, CP! Are you not on-call at your current job? Husband works for the University - partly because he's not on-call. He did the wake up in the middle of the night because someone's stupid email was down for many years.
    Do you think we scare people off, MM? We haven't heard from WL or Niccole for a while either.

    Today - going to the spa with my snotty nose. Musinex helped me sleep last night though. I'm getting a deep tissue massage - my first. Other than that, walking and teaching yoga today.

    My 20 year high school reunion is in two weeks. I'm thinking of all the things I can do now that I couldn't do 20 years ago. Today: go a day without smoking.

    Celebrating 20 years, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning Pebbs,

    I worry that we scare people off, too...hard to say.

    I think I would go crazypants pretty quickly if I was on call for anything. I do well enough waking myself up at three in the morning with worries...:laugh:

    The leg pain has migrated, and it feels fibro-ey. (weird and throbby and in your bones instead of your muscles...hard to describe.) Grrr. The knee pain had me up for most of the night. Drag. I think that keeping moving is important right now, so I'm trying to figure out what to do for exercise today. The hardcore boot camp doesn't seem like a sensible option, so I may do some elliptical, and then go to my (more sedate, but still challenging) weights class tonight and do some lighter options on some of the leg work. I also finally went to the dance store and bought some dance sneakers for zumba, so hopefully that is part of the issue. I also realized that I'm having the beginning of summer birkenstock wearing muscle pain in the front of my legs/achilles. I'm a piece of work, I'll tell you that much.:ohwell:

    I got good advice yesterday, which was to print out my calendar, and only look at my calendar one day at a time. Everything seems less overwhelming this way, when you get to see a little white space in between your tasks.

    I'm trying to think of birthday fortunes, but nothing is coming to me. I'll keep thinking....

    White space between your tasks, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am on call now (and it's hard to imagine a situation where I wouldn't be, doing what I do), but it's been pretty manageable - it's only for a couple of weeks at a time every couple months, and I usually don't get called anyway. That could be changing, though, since they switched me to a different team - for now, I convinced them that we couldn't change the rotation because no one on the new team knows what to do yet. Otherwise, it would just be me for a lot of things. It's been too crazy with project work lately to worry about what the final end-state for after-hours support will be. At the new job, it really would be just me, so it would probably be busier for awhile... but they say there aren't a lot of calls after hours. But I don't like the idea that I could be interrupted at any moment - being called overnight is actually less annoying to me than when I'm out trying to enjoy myself. My last job was worse with that. Sigh. My husband pointed out yesterday that there are significant costs with either decision, and that's why it's so hard. It's not just a "which upsides are better?", but also, "which downsides are more bearable?" Anyway. I guess I just need to bang my head for awhile.

    I would hope we don't "scare" anybody - but maybe other people have different or other, specific things they are looking to get out of the message boards. I just like checking in with my friends and talking about things - exercise, food, life in general. Though lately it's been mostly the latter on my part! :wink:

    Enjoy your massage, Mary! Deep tissue is the only kind I really go for. V, hope you feel better soon. MM, good luck with everything!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I decided to play with Play-Doh with Alex this afternoon instead of working out. He needed some attention. I wasn't much motivated for working out today. My upper back is sore from yesterday. I will get back at it tomorrow.
    Taking a day for more important things boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glorious rain yesterday. It's only going to hit 90 today, but the rest of the week is near 100.:grumble:

    The massage was good, but I don't think I'm that into them. I think I like having my feet worked on the best.

    I'm slowly getting better. I have two classes to teach today, and I'm considering going to hard yoga (back on, on Thursdays, yeah!) in-between. Sometimes, I'm exhausted after hard yoga. I guess I'll see how my sinus feels.

    Other than that, I need to get everything in my life organized.

    Triple yoga?, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs....

    So, yeah, the new zumba class at the gym was sort of not good. I'm going to give the instructor the benefit of the doubt and say that 1. she was nervous and 2. she was worried the choreography part of the zumba would be "too hard" for people who haven't tried it. I was really bummed, illustrate the lack of movement compared to my other teachers, I burned 450 calories in the class vs. 800-900 in others. Lame. The problem now is I've taken from the instructor that everyone (including all the other teachers) say is the best in the city, so I'm totally spoiled. Anyways, it's still a pretty good double Wednesday, as my favorite weights teacher has a class right before it. Also, the new shoes were awesome, and my knees are feeling much better today.

    We also had glorious, blessed rain yesterday! So, this morning I can breathe a little easier.

    Today is probably a noon zumba and maybe a stretchy yoga at home. My boss emailed me last night (at 11:30) that we had a conference call at 8:30 this a.m. What? So, I slept through both the notice of and the actual call. Lame. I guess I am "on call" for this job, I just didn't know it.:laugh: This guy is sort of the worst. I'm really glad that come the 13th, I don't work for him anymore. It does point out to me, though that I am no longer guilty about things that aren't my fault. I would have felt a while ago that I "should" have been waiting by my email for a notification, even though dude was a slacker. ("dude" is now my term for slackers...I've developed an entire vocabulary of coping skills).

    Today is also more grading, some reverse-engineering scheduling for my big project. (I'm looking at my October 15th deadline, and figuring out how much work there is to accomplish and then planning it out. It's therapeutic.)Also, if it's not raining, a trip to the farmer's market. Semi busy, but still white space on the daily calendar (which is my goal.)

    Sleeping through notifications, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am being super lazy this morning. :noway: Not a good way to start the day. We got some more bad news yesterday concerning the adoption, though it was expected I guess. We will not get another child referral until at least September. The dept. of Education closed for the summer, like it does every year. So three more months of waiting. Hopefully negotiations will go okay so they don't call off adoptions period.
    I know that's why I am struggling this morning. I'm just shot, worn out, stretched, get the picture.
    Goals for today: go shopping, laundry, wash the dishes (yes it is so bad that it has to be posted as a goal), work out, push ups, and some goof off time. I've got to snap out of this so I don't fall into my old sloppy, bad eating habits. Someone actually asked me on Sunday if I was losing weight, so I know it's making a difference.
    I need to get off here.
    Snapping out of it boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, girls! Here I am! Where the heck did the week go?!?!? I'll check with Mumsy and let her know you asked about her. Maybe she will pop back in again.

    Not much in the way of exercise this week. Did go bowling yesterday afternoon. DH has been out of town for a couple of days, so that messes me up going to the gym. Guess I could have done it at home, but didn't. Trying to do better on the eating. I'm thinking of Jenny Craiging it for a week or two. That would get me going again.

    Andrew turns 9 tomorrow. We are going to the farm and taking 5 of his friends with us. So, that is a total of 7 boys. Grandmommy and Granddaddy are supposed to be joining us, too. This is a really nice group of little boys. Should be fun with a little hectic thrown in!

    The boys' last day of school is next Wednesday. Official last day is next Friday, but we are taking them out two days early for a family trip. Guess they will miss those last couple of days of movies and snacks. However, since that's what they've been doing all of this week and then next week, too, shouldn't miss much. If they are going to stop learning anything after they do the mandatory testing, I don't see why they don't adjust the school schedule to reflect that. Start earlier, finish earlier. Oh well.

    Need to go fix breakfast and get ready to go for the day.

    Have a great weekend!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm for year-round schooling - but then, I don't have kids :tongue:

    I'm so happy - Vancouver is doing the 20th anniversary of the international fireworks competition. There was some scary talk about not having it this year. After years of telling my family how absolutely cool the fireworks competition is, finally getting them to go to Vancouver - it would royally suck for there not to be a show. We get to see two shows but won't be there for the finale (there are 4 total). I'm sure hotel rates just jumped up about $100 - luckily, I already have reservations.

    Just got an email from my teacher - she's sick again. If no one else can teach tomorrow, I said I would do it. That would be 11 classes this week. I didn't do hard yoga yesterday - I was worried about making it through my class if I did. I'm going to go today though. I had a guy in class who could push up into headstand with his legs in lotus. Pretty dang impressive. He also had the best chair pose I've ever seen.

    Today - double yoga. Visit old person. Clean.

    Fireworks, woo hoo, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Bobbie, good to see you again! Hope all goes well with 7 boys! :noway: :laugh:
    Mary, are you feeling better? We've been suffering from allergies really bad the last couple of weeks. Yuck.
    V, send some of that rain down here!
    CP, how are you holding up?

    I am struggling with laziness again this morning. Been on this computer since I got up. Not good. I'm posting this and getting off.
    DH and I are wanting to take a real vacation, because if he gets a new job next month then he will lose all his vacation time. But if he doesn't get the job we need to save the time for Russia trips this fall/winter. So we are realizing that we have no money and not a reliable car to go in. Alex has not stopped talking about flying since he went up in the plane. Everyday, "So are we going in the plane today?" He prays for the plane, acts like a plane....I told DH we need to try to fly somewhere. :smile:
    The scale is only going up which is really frustrating but I'm trying to remember that it's probably muscle and water retention. I got a good work out in yesterday. Today I'm going to try to do taebo buns. Oh (maybe I mentioned this already) I entered a challenge for the month of June. A friend of mine is giving a $20 gift card of their choice away to a friend or friends who work out 5 times a week through the month of June. July 1st is my birthday so a gift card would be pretty cool to get. It's good motivation for me, especially as I struggle with depression right now. Maybe I should start an eating healthy challenge. Or someone should. I need help in that area. :tongue:

    Ignoring the numbers boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Gah. Insomnia. Up most of the night last night. Didn't feel worried or upset, just alert and awake. Maybe it's hormones.

    Today, there's a trip to the gym (probably...or some walking outside) and maybe some weights at home. I haven't had a non-class workout in a bit, so I've loaded up my iPod with new motivational music.

    Then, I'm cooking for date night at home. (freshly foraged morel mushrooms and roast...farmer's market haul) Oh, and finishing two more piles of grading (Which will catch me up until I go to pick up the remaining two piles plus attendance for recording on Tuesday. I'm making pretty good time, actually.)

    Also, I've decided my new shoes are too small, so they're going back. I haven't worn them out of doors, and they said this is OK. I just hope they have replacement ones in stock.

    I also have to pay bills and clean up a bit. (although both might have to wait until tomorrow, due to the late start.)

    Insomnia, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    How is everyone's weekend starting out? Good?

    I was going to go walk/run this morning but decided to do taebo and push ups again. It burns more calories. DH will be out of the house this morning so I can work out. :tongue:
    I don't know what we are going to do the rest of the day. I plan to fill up Alex's little pool...and I might sit in it with him. We also hope to take him to the airport observation deck so he can watching the planes. But that's only if it's not still 100 at 7pm. If it is too hot we may take him in the morning before church.
    Other than that we are just going to try to stay cool. :glasses:
    Have a great Saturday!
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