SAHM 5/31 - 6/6

DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
We are a group of FABULOUS sahm's who are committed to our good health goals. We are informal but do challenge each other too. and we totally get the unique roles we play and the struggles that follow in trying to get fit and take care of our families and homes. :) come join the conversation at any time. we welcome newcomers!


  • oAngieMaeo
    oAngieMaeo Posts: 67
    Hey, this is awesome!
    I'm a SAHM to 1.. My daughter is 2. And my husband works full time and is a student full time... I hardly get time to myself! LOL
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hehe trish. i can always count on you for a laugh!

    welcome angie! this is the BEST group of women out there, imho.

    goals today--drink water (not just crystal light)
    exercise 1 hour
    pay bills
    more organiz for move
    and finish planning sept lessons for homeschool
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Also a stay at home mom with my last being a senior in H.S.. next year.. This is finally time for me! Very glad to be on this site..
    So I did child care out of my home over the years and worked outside the home at night and my husband worked days when the girls were little. Oh I have 4 girls,,. He has gone to rotating shiftwork for the last 15 years and sometimes isn't home for 3 or 4 days at a clip. . So it became necessary for me to be home. We never wanted anyone else raising our kids anyway. Not that it is bad but just not what we wanted.. So for my neighbor who was supposed to be my friend who gave me grief about my being home I DO NOT apologize. So why all the nasty things you felt the need to say to me.. While you always had new clothes and new furniture, cars, the in ground pool, out with your friends on weekends and again your children home alone or with a sitter.... I had my family !!! Way more important then any of those things.. We took many family vacation's even to Germany and England. Disney is like our second home lol We saved for these things. We did family things in our own yard. We spent every waking moment with our children.. We had them out of love, they were not status symbols to us. So all you SAHM's never feel bad if you encounter someone like my neighbor. Be proud of your ability to be where you are.. Hey we sacrifice!!! We make ends meet,we are there for all our children's accomplishment's and dissapointment's. What a great thing!!!!! I know my baby is 17 and can I find a job, you bet. But I am the President of her Volleyball team. I am at all her game's, chorus concert's, award ceremonies, home to bring a forgotten lunch or softball gear..or just pick her up from school and spend some time together. I have been class mom for many of my children's classes and loved it.. I know all their friend's. I thought I needed to be here when they were little but I Thankgod I was home for them thru the teenage years. My youngest now has a bully who bothers her ( the neighbors daughter, wonder where she learned that??) I have let this affect my weight, it has gotten to me for years.. My neighbor now??? Well she got divorced, can't afford the big huge house she bragged about so she had to move and her kids hate her... Not that I feel sweet karma got her but I am glad she is gone! She has been alot of my problem for the last 15 years.. But now as I get healthy and thin she can be fat and miserable.. Not that I wish for this but she did it all herself..and yes my compassion makes me feel sorry for her. But I on the other hand have 4 beautiful girls who love me and are becoming very succesful in life.. I couldn't be a prouder MOM!!! Hey can't wait to be a grandma!!! lol With our economy being the way it is, if I have a choice going out to work or being asked to babysit my grandchildren, Guess what I pick????? Enjoy those babies momma's, they grow up so fast.... IT FEELS SO GOOD TO GET THIS OUT!!!! Thanks ladies!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    YAY!!! Thanks for the invitation!

    I'm a SAHM of two now...I have a two-year-old boy and a new baby boy born on Valentines Day :heart: . I just joined MFP about 45 days ago and I've been making a lot of progress (however this last week, I only lost a few ounces...). I would love to meet other SAHMs and share in the fun! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys!

  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    SAHM too of 3 kids! My baby is getting ready to start Kindergarten in they all 3 will be in school then. hmmmm what will mommy do while they are all at school?? LOL! I have a 5, 9 and 13 yr old!
    I am on my 2nd round of p90x and I am now adding insanity cardio to that! I look forward to meeting all of you on here!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM Ladies! I can't talk ..but I wanted to say hi! HAppy Memorial Day. And Trish and got me to measure my belly button too! Which is proof that I am shaped like a pear. My bell button measures 34"
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! This is a great group of moms.

    Thinwithin2010~Thank you I feel the same way for myself. I am a sahm have been since I got pregnant with my first 10 years ago. We have struggled with money but our family is strong because I am there for them (not saying it can't be strong if a mother works because it can it just takes A LOT more energy). Yeah my kids get into stuff like most kids do but they are pretty well behaved kids and they love to spend time with the hubby & I. They would fight over it if we let them but they have their own day. There are a lot of people in my life that think that having children is an inconvenience and don't want to be tied down and give up their "me" time or their spending money. Having children has been the biggest blessing in my life. I love being a mother and I love being a sahm. I love having babies/children in the house (probably why I have so I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

    Well today we are planting our garden so I guess I better get going! Have a great day ladies!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I firmly believe that having children is the only way to truly learn unconditional love! They are a blessing, and an amazing learning tool (they teach us!) in this life.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393

    ...that is all.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I am a sahm of a 4 year old boys and a 2 year old princess!
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello to everyone who has just joined us! Loved the rant about the neighbour! I meet people like that lots but I feel so sad for them that they don't seem to get it. I have lots of friends who think that we had children too early and should have waited until we had more money, but I don't want lots of money, I want to spend time with my beautiful kids! I have to work a couple of days but my children love spending time with their grandmas doing things mummy doesn't like doing (gardening!!!).

    I need a bit of pushing this week. My AF (I think you would say TOM in USA) arrived on Saturday and I have been feeling really naff. I've been lying around on the sofa, eating and watching tv. The weather has been rainy and dull and so I haven't been motivated to get the bike out. I started running about 4 months ago and was training to run a 5K race for cancer research UK, but during the last few training sessions I started to get pain in my knees. I visited a doctor and he said they seemed fine but that I should stop running for a while and wait til they get better. I did lots of other cardio activity and didn't run for about a month. So tonight I went for my first run in 5 weeks. I managed about 6 minutes before my knees started to hurt again. I don't think I am going to be able to call myself a runner in future. Its just that we seem to burn so many less calories for powerwalking and I like to do short intense activities if I can.

    Also I have been craving the sweet stuff this week and its really hard to resist! I am just eating for the sake of mealtimes and everytime I have a cup of tea. I like bank holidays but its really hard to have my hubby home for another day. He is not really a get-up-and-go sort of person and everytime I try to suggest that we go for a bike ride or a walk or something he just sat there and looked like I was suggesting we climb a mountain! So the day went on and I only just got out for a run but I guess at least I got out!

    ANyway, someone give me some motivation to get things done tomorrow and eat well!
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    princessleia - if you can't run, walk on an steep incline. That is easiest if you can use a treadmill but if not, find some steep hills if possible. If I walked 1 hour on the treadmill at an incline of 15 (that is the highest my TM would go) I could burn almost 1000 calories! (according to the TM calorie counter). My cousin who is a personal trainer says do the highest incline you can w/o holding on to burn the most calories. You can do it!

    I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! We celebrated in typical American style with things like fishing, baseball and barbecues. We were sure to stop and take time to remember the honorable men and women who have laid down their lives so that we can enjoy such freedoms and carefree fun. I hope you gratefully enjoyed your freedoms too!

    Woke up to the most wonderful surprise today!!! Hopped on the wii scale and had lost 2.5 lbs!!!! I don't understand why my body holds on for so long and then seems to release all at once rather than .5 lbs here and there but whatever, I'll take it!! 9lbs to go until I am officially "healthy weight" . My goal , as I said is to do it by June 29th (my 32nd birthday). I can't wait!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Princess, for what motivation it's worth, exercise helps with AF. The more I've exercised over the last few months, the better mine has gotten :)

    Melissa, you're gonna rock that last 9 pounds!
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Gained 1lb.....must have been the biscuits. :-(
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Rabbit, rabbit, ladies! (that means good luck for the month)

    Wish it to your friends on the 1st of every month, and let's hope that "June is bustin' out all over!"
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    princessleia~That is to be expected with AF. I gained 3 lbs when I had mine. Lost it though a few days after I ended.

    Trish~Thank you for wishing the luck. Rabbit, rabbit to you too! Hope that June you rock the house.

    Well yesterday I did yard work pretty much all day. As my hubby says 7 hours and 500 lbs of poop later our garden is ready to plant in. I am so sore today. Sucky thing today was weigh in day I gained 2 lbs. I know it is because I didn't drink enough and also my muscles are so sore they must be retaining water. Today my goal is to drink 90 oz. at least. Have a good day ladies.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, run to pharmacy for some activon. It is good stuff! (it's like icy hot/blue goo in roll on form. No mess, just relief) I turn to mine and aspercreme after my weight training days.

    Guess I should get my rear in gear and hit the gym. Today is a run day only. Can't decide whether to do 2 miles or 3 today. Doing 6 on Saturday, and want my total for the week to equal 12. Did 2.5 yesterday, 6 this coming Saturday, and need to run today and tomorrow. Guess I'll keep it to 2.

    Wow, suddenly I feel a whole lot more motivated now that it's only 2 instead of 3, LOL!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

    Welcome to all the new gals! This is a great group of ladies! I completely understand the insensitive neighbor thing. My experience wasn't as bad as she was, but it was my MIL. She didn't have the personality to stay at home, so she seems to think no one should unless the dad makes lots of money. We couldn't get it through her head that we were actually SAVING money for me to stay home. Mine are 16 months apart and to find daycare for both of them so I could work would have cost more. Not that I would have gone back to work at that point anyway. I started back to work 10 hrs a week as our church's secretary almost 3 years ago. Neither child was in school at the time, but I was also able to bring them with me. They went to a really good part-time day care one day a week. I'm now at 20 hrs a week, both kids in school (finishing up 1st grade & Kindergarten). I work 9a-1p, so I'm leaving for work after they leave for school & am home for the day when I pick them back up! I love it!

    My running is going well. I was so excited because I actually ran much further (for me) than I have ever done yesterday! And in the rain! :bigsmile: Running in the rain was actually kind of relaxing. I enjoyed it! I ran just under 0.2 of a mile at one time! I then ran a bit more on the walk back home because the rain had picked way up. :laugh:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Hi ladies, new here, SAHM to a six month old baby girl :) I'm still getting used to life outside the "career track" but I am enjoying time with my little one, and also using this time to get fit.....and I've got a lot of weight to lose! Glad to meet you all! Feel free to add me as well - I could use some more fitness buddies!
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    I hear you amypyr! Mine are 13 months apart and we have saved a lot of money (and tears) by me staying home most of the time. I keep my sanity by going to work for a day and 2 half days, but we get tax credits to cover the horrendous nursery bills!

    Feeling much better today and I have been a SAINT with my eating!

    Hello Velvet! Welcome!