Festival food?!

ConnorCleall Posts: 7 Member
Hey all.

Just wondering if anyone here has tried to eat relatively healthy while at a weekend festival.

Me and a few mates are going to Rockness in the Scottish Highlands from the 7th to the 10th.

I understand drinking is the major problem, however this is invevitable - for this I'll try compensate for doing a lot of exercise prior to the event.

p.s It's going to be hard to try find a connection in a middle of a field to log into MFP!


  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    That sounds like fun. Madness is going to be there, eh?
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    There are usually a variety of world food stalls, every festival that I have ever been to has had a falafel stall :laugh:
  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    Aww Rockness, jealous much!!
    To be honest, this 'diet' thing were all doing is a lifestyle change. And evidently part of your life (mine and many others too i guess) is having a nice time away with friends.

    Don't worry about it, enjoy your holiday. Im not saying purposely eat ****e coz it's there. But dont restrict yourself too harshly. It's not like this is a regular occurrence and just kick back into to shape when you get back.

    That being said festivals can have some pretty healthy food available so do just head for the burgers!
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Eat what you want and get back to the grind when you get home. This doesnt mean go crazy, try to make the healthiest choices you can and have fun.
  • Fat_Jimi
    Fat_Jimi Posts: 81
    Don't go silly, but don't beet your self up over eating crap

    If you tie your hands to tightly you'll get 1/2 through and then say stuff it and go silly and eat worse than you would have if you just don't go silly

    I was in a similar situation a few weeks back, I made sure I did a solid work out before I went then just relaxed and had fun

    At the end of the day I was just unde pr my cal intake for the day (only just)
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    You'll be in Scotland!!! It's all about meat pies, fried Mars bars, fish and chips (fries), crisps (chips), fried black pudding, biscuits (cookies), cakes, Irn Bru, Indian food and copious amounts of drink (booze)! You only live once so do Scotland right :smokin:
  • ConnorCleall
    ConnorCleall Posts: 7 Member
    Cheers for all the comments.

    I actually went last year but wasn't dieting or doing vast amount of exercise.

    There was a noodle bar there last year, I think I'll give that a go!

    - Connor
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Three tupperwares a day, first chicken and pasta, second chicken and pasta, third chicken and pasta. Pushups, seated dips, diamond pushups, squats, lunges, beer crate curls, handstand pushups and hyperextensions. Mosh pits for cardio. Make some gains at Rockness!
  • ConnorCleall
    ConnorCleall Posts: 7 Member
    Lets do it!
  • Hopeful_
    Hopeful_ Posts: 39 Member
    I just searched "festival" and this really surprised me, because I'll be travelling to this festival too! (might see you there, but i wouldn't know, haha!) Had one meal last year at this which happened to be from the noodle stall on the first night, with an abundance of fosters and tennents all weekend and a few too many vodka mixers... But anyway, I can't wait, have a great time guys!
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Aww Rockness, jealous much!!
    To be honest, this 'diet' thing were all doing is a lifestyle change. And evidently part of your life (mine and many others too i guess) is having a nice time away with friends.

    Don't worry about it, enjoy your holiday. Im not saying purposely eat ****e coz it's there. But dont restrict yourself too harshly. It's not like this is a regular occurrence and just kick back into to shape when you get back.

    That being said festivals can have some pretty healthy food available so do just head for the burgers!

    Plus if you become too much of a stickler at events like this and when out with pals, you just end up being annoying. IMO
  • ConnorCleall
    ConnorCleall Posts: 7 Member
    I just searched "festival" and this really surprised me, because I'll be travelling to this festival too! (might see you there, but i wouldn't know, haha!) Had one meal last year at this which happened to be from the noodle stall on the first night, with an abundance of fosters and tennents all weekend and a few too many vodka mixers... But anyway, I can't wait, have a great time guys!

    The noodle bar I think is going to be the choice of food for the weekend.
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    I would just pack some carrot sticks and maybe some corn on the cob.