
I had a thought recently, like I'm sure many of you do, that if I would push myself to eat better today and everyday from here on out I won't be saying "man I wish I started last week!" You get discouraged and if you are like me u go and eat every bad thing possible cuz well u just can since u ruined your diet and all. That's just it though! Its once you quit that thinking that this weight loss journey will even happen.
How many weeks have gone by and you think "wow I can't believe its towards the end of may already! If only I would've started controlling what I ate the beginning of may I probably could have lost some weight!" We get discouraged because we are impatient when in fact the weeks go by SO fast we catch ourselves wishing we started sooner. So I remind myself...just think how soon next week is gonna come. Just think how soon July and August are gonna be here and you will wonder how the summer flew by! Wishing you would've just done SOMETHING to change your body because by August you KNOW you would be looking good and feeling good! Yes weight loss takes patience, but it truly will fly by. Just like anything else. Remind yourself of this when u think u wanna wait and start next way. By then u could have lost a few lbs! Or built some strength! Do it now!!! U won't regret it! :)