hey you! you're beautiful.

I have been thinking so a lot about the term beauty recently, with recent events such as Abercrombie and Fitch CEO announcing his refusal to have women's Large clothing and anything beyond a size 10.... the Dove Beauty campaigns have also got me thinking about the importance that is attached to physical beauty.
Everyday we are faced with media and ads that try to sell you an identity. Like many girls today, as sad as it is - I struggled with self-image and eating disorders trying to attach myself to Victoria Secret body ideals, wishing I looked like others around me, just wanting to change myself.
I am 21 now and I wish I had started challenging these ideals earlier ... Beauty is SO much more then what society sells it as.
I see it everyday in women who are size 24, size 12, size 32, size 4.. who have dark skin, light skin. Who have curly hair, wavy hair, straight hair.. you get it.
Real beauty is confidence, it is health, it is radiance, it is positivity and when you are around these people you cannot help but feel more positive yourself.
So no matter what size you are, no matter what your physical traits, YOU are beautiful.. and there is so much more to beauty then these physical traits. I wish dove mentioned this in their campaign...
If you still don't feel like you are physically the most beautiful person, then guess what.. there are so many other things about you that are wonderful and much more important. I only realized within the last year that I am smart! and autonomous, and many other things that make me a wonderful person. I don't look differently then I did a year or two ago, but I am so much happier.
So with all these people and ads trying to define 'beauty', please hold on to this. And give yourself credit.

“Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” ~Leo F. Buscaglia

If anyone tries to take this positive post and make it negative I will kick you in the teeth :) Have a wonderful weekend.