How Come the Scale Hates You?



  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Weight: 236
    Calories Per Day: 2090 (net)
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Inconsistent, 3-5 days a week, usually fast walking plus some cardio dvd's
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Absu****inglutely
    Months Since You Started? 4
    Amount Weight Lost: 21 total (went up 2 after signing up)
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    Weight: 135
    Calories Per Day: 1200
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 4-5 days 30 min cardio / 30 min strength
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Not unless I'm hungry but for the most part no.
    Months Since You Started? 22
    Amount Weight Lost: 62lbs
  • littlelouis
    littlelouis Posts: 54 Member
    Weight: 113
    Calories Per Day: 1200, give or take 100
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 6 days per week of hip hop abs, 7 days of 30 day shred
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back?: Nope
    Months Since You Started?: 3.5
    Amount Weight Lost: 14 pounds
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Weight: 152.2
    Calories Per Day: net 2000
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: try for 5-6, split between running and heavy lifting
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? yummy, yes, always have
    Months Since You Started? 15
    Amount Weight Lost: 62 lbs
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    Weight: 216
    Calories Per Day: 1500
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 5 or 6/50/cardio
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? no
    Months Since You Started? 20
    Amount Weight Lost:250
  • strcrft15
    strcrft15 Posts: 5
    Weight: 191
    Calories Per Day: Net around 1680, total is usually close to 2000
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 3-6 days per week of Insanity workouts, depending on my schedule, plus random dog walks here and there (Nurse, so it's totally random)
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Almost always
    Months Since You Started? 3
    Amount Weight Lost: 20
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Weight: 129
    Calories Per Day: 2100-2400 (1920 net)
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 7 days per week, strength training, 45 minutes-1 hour/day
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back?: All of them
    Months Since You Started?: 24
    Amount Weight Lost: 77 lbs
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Weight: 162.2
    Calories Per Day: Averaging 1,600 (trying to get to 1,200)
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Started 30 Day Shred on 5/7/2013
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back?: I don't log exercise
    Months Since You Started?: I started another MFP attempt on 4/28/2013
    Amount Weight Lost: 6 lbs, weigh-in on Mondays

    opps! I thought you meant starting weight, lol
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Weight: 196
    Calories Per Day: 1200 or less
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Mix it up always this week Zumba and 5k training
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Nope
    Months Since You Started? almost 2 months
    Amount Weight Lost: 17
  • crystalrp
    crystalrp Posts: 113 Member
    Weight: 207
    Calories Per Day: 1300/20-25 carbs
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week:4-5 days walking 30 min/ cardio DVD
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Not usually
    Months Since You Started? 1
    Amount Weight Lost: 14
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Weight:156 (5'7'')
    Calories Per Day:1247 (average over the last 3 weeks)
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Sporadic at best but 1-3 times per week, mild cardio + strength training (weights)
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Used to eat some if hungry now I'm working on maintaining my deficit (without regard to amount of calories consumed) so I eat whatever is necessary to maintain the deficit I set.
    Months Since You Started? 4
    Amount Weight Lost: 28 lbs
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Weight: 184
    Calories Per Day: 2400-2600 (net 1650)
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: JMBR (irregular), lots of walking daily
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Yes
    Months Since You Started? 5 months
    Amount Weight Lost: 40lbs
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Weight: 172 lbs (78 kg)
    Calories Per Day: 1750
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 5-6 days a week. Meaning light aerobic, intense aerobic, tae-bo, circuit training, strength training and stuff like this. I consider the days I just do some Pillates, yoga or walking as rest days (I walk quite a lot most days).
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Yes, but not all
    Months Since You Started? 8-9 months
    Amount Weight Lost: 37 lbs (17 kg)

    My loss is slower than most here, but I'm confortable with my rythm. I can't say I'm on a diet, I could live like this forever. If I eventually lose all... it's ok.
    Also, in the last months I lost very little, but I shrunk, literally.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Weight: 216
    Calories Per Day: 1500
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 5 or 6/50/cardio
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? no
    Months Since You Started? 20
    Amount Weight Lost:250


    [OP, sorry, I know you said no opinions but this is quite impressive!!]
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Weight: 117
    Calories per day: 1400
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise: 5 days / 30-45 mins / Running and just started strength training
    Do you eat your execise cals back: Absolutely
    Months since you started: Off and on since Oct 2010
    Amount of weight lost: 12 lbs before MFP, 22 with MFP
  • Body_Peace
    Body_Peace Posts: 82
    Weight: 127.6
    Calories Per Day: 1000-1300
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Tennis 3-5 times a week, bike riding 2-4 times a week
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back?: I eat half of them back
    Months Since You Started?: Starting 1/30/13 so 3...close to 4
    Amount Weight Lost: 35.8 pounds
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Weight: 184
    Calories Per Day: Don't count them
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 1 hour cardio, 1 hour strength training, almost every day
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Definitely some, probably not all
    Months Since You Started? 4
    Amount Weight Lost: 26
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Weight: 216
    Calories Per Day: 1500
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: 5 or 6/50/cardio
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? no
    Months Since You Started? 20
    Amount Weight Lost:250

    You are my hero!! Awesome!!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm trying to understand why there are so many grown men eating less than this 41 year old 5'2" woman.

    That's why the scale hates you, dude.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Weight: 120-125 (15-18% BF, 5'4" F, 50 y.o.)
    Calories Per Day: 1450 cutting; 1750 maintenance; 2000 bulking
    Days/Amount/Type of Exercise per Week: Heavy lifting 4-5 days/wk; HIIT cardio 2-3 days/wk; boot camp 2 days/wk
    Do You Eat Your Exercise Calories Back? Yes
    Months Since You Started? 3+ years (in maintenance for 2 years)
    Amount Weight Lost: 45 pounds

    The scale doesn't hate me. The scale is a tool, nothing more. And it's not always a good indicator of my progress. I can easily gain three pounds overnight just by having a salty meal or eating a lot of carbs. I track my bodyfat percentage instead.

    IMO, consistency and patience are key to success. And a lot of people undereat by waaay too much.