In 5 weeks you will weigh...

KDuckGirl Posts: 32
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been a member of the site over a week and have lost since then but at the end of the day when I submit my daily food diary and it says..if everyday was like today you would weigh *** in 5 weeks.. The number hasn't seemed to go down much?? Maybe by a pound or two but shouldn't it be decreasing more than that after a week and a half of being on here and losing weight?


  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    That measurement is based on how many calories you've eaten during that day. The idea is "if you eat this many calories every day, this is how much weight you'll have lost in five weeks" It's calculated based on the weight you enter in your "goals" section, so if you haven't updated your weight loss on the site, it won't be reflected
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    There is actually more variables then just the calories that you eat. The exercise, cals, etc. It will fluctuate in ounces but not pounds within the first week. I recorded what it said every day for five weeks and averaged it out every week and then averaged out the weekly average for the five weeks to see how accurate it was to where I am right now and it came within two pounds. I say that is pretty darn good!
  • KDuckGirl
    KDuckGirl Posts: 32
    Well its basically saying that in five weeks I should have 13 pounds lost but I feel like if I'm doing P90X & insanity everyday plus keeping my calories down around 1200 then the results should be a bit more dramatic? I mean, ill take what I can get I'm just so excited to finally defeat this stingy plateau I've struggled with! I weigh less now than I have in 5 years and I'm so eager to start dropping sizes! :) would u recommend that I add more fat burning cardio? Or just stick to what I'm doing now?
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    Also, people who say "A calorie is a calorie" are people who don' t need to lose weight - I went with this motto and followed a strict calorie diet (and I did lose some weight ), but as soon as I started watching my calories from fat, eliminating processed foods, and walking my weight loss really kicked in.

    Those calculators will drive you crazy. Try to go walking 15 minutes twice a day - eat 5 more frequent smaller meals with no snacking - get a lean protein and good carb in every meal - cheat 3 times a month, and weigh yourself 3 times a month and you will be shocked. You'll blow these calculators out of the water.
  • leychole
    leychole Posts: 7 Member
    I have never done P90X but I have seen some of the workouts and they are absolutely insane looking. If you are just doing it once or twice a week then yeah, add in a Pilates workout somewhere in there. But if your doing it every other day or every day I think you'll be fine.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Well its basically saying that in five weeks I should have 13 pounds lost but I feel like if I'm doing P90X & insanity everyday plus keeping my calories down around 1200 then the results should be a bit more dramatic? I mean, ill take what I can get I'm just so excited to finally defeat this stingy plateau I've struggled with! I weigh less now than I have in 5 years and I'm so eager to start dropping sizes! :) would u recommend that I add more fat burning cardio? Or just stick to what I'm doing now?

    If you're doing P90X and insanity everyday, my guess is you need more calories than 1200.... just guessing here, but make sure they're good calories, kwim?
  • Duganhorse
    Duganhorse Posts: 55
    Well its basically saying that in five weeks I should have 13 pounds lost but I feel like if I'm doing P90X & insanity everyday plus keeping my calories down around 1200 then the results should be a bit more dramatic? I mean, ill take what I can get I'm just so excited to finally defeat this stingy plateau I've struggled with! I weigh less now than I have in 5 years and I'm so eager to start dropping sizes! :) would u recommend that I add more fat burning cardio? Or just stick to what I'm doing now?

    13 pounds in 5 weeks is 2.6 pounds a week. Much more than that would not be healthy. You have to realise too that P90X is going to build a lot of muscle so the scale may not go down as fast as you like but you will be getting fit. I would also try to eat more calories, the healthy kind. Your body might slow the process if your burning that many calories exercising and only eating 1200cal you might start losing lean muscle and go into starvation mode.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yeah, I wouldn't pay too much attention to that number. It's more motivating then anything else. It's based on the assumption that you're going to eat exactly the same and do the same exercise every single day for 5 weeks. As long as you're losing, don't worry about it.
  • Callmefia
    Callmefia Posts: 42
    Well its basically saying that in five weeks I should have 13 pounds lost but I feel like if I'm doing P90X & insanity everyday plus keeping my calories down around 1200 then the results should be a bit more dramatic? I mean, ill take what I can get I'm just so excited to finally defeat this stingy plateau I've struggled with! I weigh less now than I have in 5 years and I'm so eager to start dropping sizes! :) would u recommend that I add more fat burning cardio? Or just stick to what I'm doing now?

    If you're doing P90X and insanity everyday, my guess is you need more calories than 1200.... just guessing here, but make sure they're good calories, kwim?

    AGREED! I've read through most of the P90X nutrition book and 1200 calories is certainly not enough if you are on P90X and/or Insanity.
  • KDuckGirl
    KDuckGirl Posts: 32
    True!! Thanks for the great advice!

    Well I'm always sure to keep a calorie minimum of 1200 but some days with the calories that I burn with p90x and insanity I'm aloud around 2,000 so I think the most I've had in the past few weeks is around 2,000. I'm pretty sure there won't be any loss of muscle as I don't deprive myself AND my muscles are incredibly sore every day!! I did the arms, shoulders, triceps p90x the other day and my arms have never been so sore! But I can't wait to have toned arms that I'm proud of for once!! If your looking to shape up your thighs/butt be sure to try out the pliometrics video! It's KILLER! The first time I did it, I literally was holding my body up on the side railing at work whenever I had to go up & down stairs.. a good, honest sore!

    Eating suddenly becomes WORK when you've got to consume loads of healthy calories spread apart into moderation :) I know the drill though- my mom was a weight loss consultant and my VERY first diet ever was in the fourth/fifth grade. I did adkins and lost 25 lbs and got very sick so had to go off of it. I did learn my body responds well to me avoiding carbs and dairy but it's only a TEMPORARY weight loss so I would never suggest that anyone does that. I've tried everything..even that stupid master cleanse HORRID tasting lemonade diet. Oh gosh, and living at college, dorm neighbors would eat pickles all day with me assuring that they were calorie free & a weightloss solution! ekkk! I now now the REAL tricks that are truly going to work :) Thanks so much for your feedback everyone!
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