Need Help!

Hey everyone,

I've had enough! I have been yo-yo dieting for the last 5 years, but I've never been serious. I am 5'2 and currently weigh in at 190lbs - never thought I could even get this big! I was always around 120 lbs until I got married 7 years ago and literally it's just crept up on me.. and I haven't even had any kids yet! I just turned 32 and want to have kids but I want to make sure I am healthy and am ready for it. I eat really bad, as in not enough, but high-calorie stuff. Like I will not have breakfast, I have a bag of chips for lunch, and then i'll have a normal dinner but probably overeat. I also am a chocaholic (hence the nick), and am addicted to diet coke. I have at least 2 cans of diet coke a day and one bar of chocolate a day. I have been going through a lot of hardship due to my husband's illness, plus studying along with working, and I feel stressed a lot of the time, I sleep about 5 hours every night, and I don't really look after myself at all. I have just joined the gym in hope of feeling somewhat better from working out. However, given my eating habits, I feel so low on energy by the end of the day that I don't have much left to go work out. It is a vicious cycle, and none of my clothes fit anymore, and I can't afford to buy anything more. I REFUSE. I need to fit into my skinny clothes again. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    You sound like you know what you are doing wrong. What is it you need to change those things? These are choices you have control over. If you have made your decision to lose weight than make the decision to hold yourself accountable for those choices. If you are looking for ideas my diary is open. This can be fun if you make it an adventure. It is your life. Take it back!