SIBO and fructose, help!

Hello everyone,

I have been diagnosed for IBS for 4 years now, but it has always been moderate and pretty controllable (although annoying). Until I have constant bloating, often nausea, alternating BM, and cannot eat any foods that seem to contain a lot of carbs. The worst culprits are alcohol, soda, fruit juice, ice cream, syrups, pasta, potatoes, etc. I could go on and on. I was diagnosed before with SIBO, and was treated with one round of anti-biotics which was successful, but the symptoms came back. I have been to 3 doctors and they all refuse to do a test or treatment for SIBO, so i am coming here for help instead.

My question to you all today is does anyone else have SIBO, were your symptoms similar to this, and does anyone know of any OTC, herbal, or dietary treatment for the problem? I am getting desperate as I am so limited on where I can go and what I can eat. I am 23 years old and shouldn't be having to live constantly uncomfortable and avoiding all the foods I love!

My last question is are there any artificial sweeteners that are good to use that do not contain fructose and that are not dangerous for you like aspartame?

thanks ahead of time!