Time to eat more or just be better?


Since about mid April (my birthday what a coincident?!) I have not been doing well with my diet. I'm over my calories however not eating at maintenance almost always below but at 1700 instead of 1200 for example. But at that time I gained a couple of pounds and I've been fluctuating between 14 stone 10 and 15 stone. I wasn't expecting to do well but kinda still hoping to lose half a pound a week since I'm eating below my tdee/maintenance even though its above 1200 target.
Is it time for a maintenance reset or do I just need to get more strict and stick to my 1200 better? Or is it what I'm eating which isn't always perfect, though I blame yesterday's pizza on going to a friends for dinner.
I know these posts are always going up so I know there is some good advice out there.
P.s due to an illness I have I can't do much physical exercise other than walking at the moment so I can't start doing weights/cardio etc.


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Your probably consuming a lot more calories than you think if your eating out and consume packaged food....it just can't be helped............
  • Vivien27
    Vivien27 Posts: 6
    I scan correctly everything and weigh things on electronic scales.