Neverending hunger

So i have a problem where i'm never full. And i mean never like I could eat and eat and eat and feel like i'm going to throw up and then 20 minutes later my stomach will be growling. (i feel like i'm going to throw up but i don't actually throw up it all stays inside.) and i know eating until you feel like you're going to burst is bad but it's my only way of telling i'm full. But then like i said even after that 20 minutes later i have hunger pains. I don't understand why. Like it's not that i'm bored it's literally that my stomach hurts and is growling and i feel like i'm starving. Anybody know anything about this? ... I had a few ideas like celiac disease, or vitamin deficiency which means i need blood work and i hate blood so i just was wondering if anyone had other ideas? Thank you! :)
