Excited after only losing 4lbs.

I know it is silly but I am already getting pumped after osing only 4lbs. haha I guess that's because this is the first week I have been tracking all week and being active and just starting it feels nice. Also, I am loving hitting up the success section when I feel like stuffing my sad fat face. eeheehee. I love this site. I got it on my tablet too! Going out with my mommy for a late Mother's day tomorrow and I will be getting a salad! :P


  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    4lbs is 4lbs! You SHOULD be excited! Take this great energy and momentum and run with it! :)
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    The way I see it is any weight loss is still weight loss. Be proud of it! Celebrate it! I still smile even if I lose a half a pound because it's a half a pound closer to my goal.
  • Haha! thank you! I feel so silly being so happy but to be fair it is the first 4lbs I have lost in a LONG time. Usually, it was "Oh, I gained 5lbs, ah well, still not too horrible, it's just 5 lbs...." followed by sad binging. I think the cutting out of alcohol is going to be the biggest result for me. I also need to find a workout that doesnt need weights as I wait for my weights to get here in ze mail. :)
  • The way I see it is any weight loss is still weight loss. Be proud of it! Celebrate it! I still smile even if I lose a half a pound because it's a half a pound closer to my goal.

    Nice way to look at it, I'll keep being happy about it then. I mean hell 4 more lbs and it's 8 total! :O :)
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    Exactly! I started out basically needing (according to my doctor) to lose the weight of an Olsen twin. I have a little picture on my home computer of one and I erase out the proportion of the Olsen twin I've lost. It's a nice visual and oddly satisfying.
  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    Me too!!! I got so excited when I saw that I had lost 4 lbs. I weighed myself in another scale just to make sure it was right!!! I think you should be excited. And proud of those 4 lbs. It's hard to start exercising and eating healthy. It's a change and it takes commitment and you should be happy that your hard work is paying off. 4 lbs means that you are getting closer to your goal. Personally i'm proud that I lost 4 lbs because it means that I'm actually doing something to lose weight.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Exactly! I started out basically needing (according to my doctor) to lose the weight of an Olsen twin. I have a little picture on my home computer of one and I erase out the proportion of the Olsen twin I've lost. It's a nice visual and oddly satisfying.

    This is BRILLIANT ha ha what a fantastic way to look at it! :o)
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    It's when you suddenly realise "I can do this". You are right to be excited. I get excited regularly when I see the weight continuing to go down, there's nothing wrong with that, it is motivating and makes you feel good about yourself. Keep it up!
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    Exactly! I started out basically needing (according to my doctor) to lose the weight of an Olsen twin. I have a little picture on my home computer of one and I erase out the proportion of the Olsen twin I've lost. It's a nice visual and oddly satisfying.

    This is BRILLIANT ha ha what a fantastic way to look at it! :o)

    Why thank you! I've gotten some weird looks from others about it, but I figure if it helps keep me motivated and doesn't hurt anyone...
  • Wow. Awesome to see I am not alone in getting silly and excited over my small steps. I feel like this site will be very helpful in my weight loss journey. Love having folks like you guys who get it.

    Also, the Olsen twin thing is hilarious. I need to do some sort of visual thing haha. I was thinking of getting a symbolic tattoo when I reach my goal, just a little one, maybe the word "strength" or something similar to remind me what I can do.

    I just took before picture this morning and it was horrible seeing myself from behind. I can't even post them until I have a decent after. haha
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    We've all been there (that's why we're here in the first place). Optimism is a much better way of looking at things than pessimism. Plus, in weight loss the small steps lead to life changes so you keep it off.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Exactly! I started out basically needing (according to my doctor) to lose the weight of an Olsen twin. I have a little picture on my home computer of one and I erase out the proportion of the Olsen twin I've lost. It's a nice visual and oddly satisfying.

    This is BRILLIANT ha ha what a fantastic way to look at it! :o)

    Why thank you! I've gotten some weird looks from others about it, but I figure if it helps keep me motivated and doesn't hurt anyone...

    Well, some people would compare themselves to pineapples lost, so whatever works really, totally agree! :o)
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Congrats!! You can do this and I love the motivation!! You will be fine with your mom and have some grilled shrimp, salmon or chicken on that salad for the celebration. Even if it is not on the menu... get the dinner salad, no cheese or dressing with some grilled protein on top. That way, it is a meal and no one asks!!!
  • Gunr2147
    Gunr2147 Posts: 63 Member
    4lbs is great! Congrats.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    4 lbs is great!! Congratulations and keep that enthusiam going. There will be times it may not be as much as you want but as long as its going in the right direction its a win. Stay on track and be positve and dedicated....
  • I've actually been vegan for 8 yearsish but I WILL get some "chicken" or "beef" on top. haha :) air quotes ^_^
    Congrats!! You can do this and I love the motivation!! You will be fine with your mom and have some grilled shrimp, salmon or chicken on that salad for the celebration. Even if it is not on the menu... get the dinner salad, no cheese or dressing with some grilled protein on top. That way, it is a meal and no one asks!!!
  • Wow. Awesome to see I am not alone in getting silly and excited over my small steps. I feel like this site will be very helpful in my weight loss journey. Love having folks like you guys who get it.

    Also, the Olsen twin thing is hilarious. I need to do some sort of visual thing haha. I was thinking of getting a symbolic tattoo when I reach my goal, just a little one, maybe the word "strength" or something similar to remind me what I can do.

    I just took before picture this morning and it was horrible seeing myself from behind. I can't even post them until I have a decent after. haha

    Soooooooo with you on the back pics!! until I have an after theres no showing b4 shots ;) sry 4 typos, juggling squirmy baby
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Celebrate every victory with a pat on the back! That's what keeps us going.
  • Shiroi
    Shiroi Posts: 41 Member
    Motivation is what keeps us going. You have every right to be happy for each pound you lose. Good luck and keep on going!
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    The way I see it is any weight loss is still weight loss. Be proud of it! Celebrate it! I still smile even if I lose a half a pound because it's a half a pound closer to my goal.

    Nice way to look at it, I'll keep being happy about it then. I mean hell 4 more lbs and it's 8 total! :O :)

    4 lbs is excellent. And you've lost 6 lbs so far! Pick up a 5 lb bag of flour or sugar and see how much you've already lost, plus some more :)...just don't eat them