Plus Size Barbies - Week 10



  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    This week was a good week. I went to the gym first thing in the morning, watch my sodium intake (thank you svey9480), got TOM over and done with; and got my hair colored and cut.

    I know that i didn't reach my goal of 6lbs this week but I still think that I rocked it. I was off by 1.6lbs. BUT I LOST 4.4! I'm going to keep it up.

    Relay race is in two weeks. Can't wait for that! Have to do some heavy planning with snacks. The exercise will be taken care of but not the food.

    Hope everyone has a good week this week.

    Here's the rundown:

    Weigh in:
    Starting weight: 245
    Week 1: goal- None - Actual- Unknown
    Week 2: goal- 240 Actual- 239.4
    Week 3: goal- 238 Actual- 240.6
    Week 4: goal- 235 Actual- 234.8
    Week 5: goal- 233 Actual 236.2 - End of April
    Week 6: goal - 230 - Actual 235.4
    Week 7: goal - 233 - Actual 230.8
    Week 8: goal - 228 - Actual 228.0
    Week 9: goal - 226 - Actual 236.0
    Week 10: goal - 230 - Actual 231.4 - End of May
    Week 11: goal - 225
    # lbs lost: 12.6
    # lbs to go: 82.4

    Thank you also for keeping me accountable. :heart:

    Hugs :happy:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Great job Nancy!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Newme didn't post a week 11 thread before she left on vacation. I just put one up.