New Start


. Since I began my weightloss journey I have lost 3 stone altogether , 14 whilst using my fitness pal. However this time last year I weighed 8lbs lighter than I do now. I am in a long distance relationship and when I see my other half (every 2 -3 weeks) it usually means making the most of our time by going out for dinner and getting sweets and take away for a movie.. which i know is bad but I keep falling into the trap! I am also very tired and stressed in the evenings after work (school teacher) and in the past few months I have become complacent and began to eat the foods I know I shouldn't such as pizza because it is quick and easy! I began my weightloss journey 2 years ago and have managed to keep it off apart from this 8lbs.. if myself 18months ago could see me now and see the mistakes I have been making they would scream!!

So basically what I am saying is I would love some support from someone of similar stats 5"0 118lbs to help motivate me. Also any tips on resisting treats and meals out with my partner or falling into the quick but unhealthy evening meal would be very much appreciated! :)
