Hello - Need a buddy.

Hello all, hope you all had a great weekend!
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in becoming buddies on here and exchanging tips and weight loss results on a regular basis, hearing other peoples success stories really motivate me :)
It's fine if you wish to keep it on the low down but if you would like someone to share with and hear their goals, loss as well please feel free to add and then message me.
Thank you, Matt.


    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    I would like to be youu buddy Mat. A person can never have to many buddies especially on this journey we are on.:happy:
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I'm all over it, hook me up!
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    me too, me too! :-)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Feel free to add me, I figure people cant have enough encouragement when it comes to losing weight.