broken athlete Starting over, needing help on my new path...

Hey guys,

I have always been active and run marathons, done crossfit and bikram yoga, I generally live a really healthy lifestyle, however I started working for a sports company wanting to fuse my love of fitness and professional career together, but in a rather high pressure senior role. This saw me eventually letting go of all my sporting hobbies and lean physic in order to try and keep up with the role. I was working such long hours and became so stressed that my weight skyrocketed as I had many a sleepless night either working or worrying about the following day.

I have since quit this job and am now on the path back to health. Now I am looking for a job with more of a work life balance, as a close friend had said to me- 'When you get to your dieing days, no one ever said gosh i wish i coulda worked more, their wish was more to travel or spend quality time with those they care about.

I digress, I am now wanting to lose 10kg's and get back to my oobber fit self that believes in conquering all and I need YOUR help to get there... Please add me and watch this space as I pick myself up and get my life back on track


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Hey guys,

    I have always been active and run marathons, done crossfit and bikram yoga, I generally live a really healthy lifestyle, however I started working for a sports company wanting to fuse my love of fitness and professional career together, but in a rather high pressure senior role. This saw me eventually letting go of all my sporting hobbies and lean physic in order to try and keep up with the role. I was working such long hours and became so stressed that my weight skyrocketed as I had many a sleepless night either working or worrying about the following day.

    I have since quit this job and am now on the path back to health. Now I am looking for a job with more of a work life balance, as a close friend had said to me- 'When you get to your dieing days, no one ever said gosh i wish i coulda worked more, their wish was more to travel or spend quality time with those they care about.

    I digress, I am now wanting to lose 10kg's and get back to my oobber fit self that believes in conquering all and I need YOUR help to get there... Please add me and watch this space as I pick myself up and get my life back on track
    Get it done. Personally myself, I like my free time and time I spend with my kid and wife, so I don't take on more than 5 clients max on any day. Most days I have 2 or 3 clients and a class. So about 4 hours max working a day. Life is too short to worry about material things IMO, so I have more fun doing the physical and family things instead.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition