Last Minute Family Dessert

So, I was doing so well, under my calories for the day. Had my workout planned.
We called my grandparents in law to go for a short visit, and it turns out all of my in-laws are there, making HOMEMADE ICE CREAM! It wasn't so much that I wanted some, but I didn't want to be rude. So I ate it. And now I'm over. Not much, but I'm over.
What am I supposed to do in that situation?


  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    Enjoy it?!

    Go walk a few flights of stairs or around the neighborhood! Or call it a treat and don't lose any sleep over it :)
  • LadyLorax
    LadyLorax Posts: 20
    Enjoy the ice cream! It isn't everyday that you get that sort of treat and a few extra calories are worth it as long as you are back on track the next day.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Enjoy! :)

    My philosophy this past weekend (while out of town) was that if I went a little over it was okay... I was happy as long as I wasn't eating 500+ calories over (and GAINING weight). I went about 100 over a couple of days. I was so hungry all weekend though (probably because the food I was eating wasn't as nutritious as usual, got to go with what you can get!)

    I do think that it is okay to refuse if you aren't hungry though... guess it just depends on the situation? I'm thinking about that too as I'm looking towards an in-law visit in a month or so... I know that if people get offended if I don't eat what they make that is their issue... but it is still hard to say no sometimes! (For homemade ice cream, I definitely would have said yes!) :)