If you won the Powerball...



  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Hookers and blow!

    Ok, no, seriously. I would buy a new car and a nice size home with which I will run an animal shelter out of, specializing in small animals (rats, hamsters, mice, etc) and reptiles. And cats. I love cats, so I have to have a BUNCH of cats.

    Other than that, just pay off loans, pay Matt Smith and/or Jon Stewart to do dirty things to me and Brittany and live a simple but happy life.

  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I'd have alot of very pissed off relatives....I don't believe in "funding" other peoples lives, and that would go over like a fart in a phonebooth.

    I would have some unhappy family members too! I would definitely for my very close family, but not any one else.
  • BunnyW22
    BunnyW22 Posts: 33
    My husband and I have this exact conversation all the time. Maybe because we're broke all the time. I think after years we finally have it nailed down to a T. Okay, here's the list.
    -Pay off any debts including parents' and siblings' debts.
    -Buy or build a dream house. Sick and damn tired of apartment living.
    -Buy us both new vehicles. We're driving the same ones since high school. IT'S TIME FOR AN UPGRADE.
    -Buy my mom that cabin in the mountains she's always wanted.
    -Get my stepdad that desperately needed new truck.
    -Send my inlaws on a vacation.
    -Pay for my niece's college.
    -We have a friend who we call our grown up child in secret. He is older than us but cannot keep a job, keeps getting kicked out of apartments, cannot manage his money, etc. The guy just can never get his **** together and it's always his own fault. I'd buy him a house and a decent car. I'd even set him up a bank acct but strict withdrawal restrictions.
    -I have a handful of friends in college and I'd anonymously pay the tuition.
    -I'd go back to school.
    -We would travel so much I'd actually miss this hick town.
    -Donate to the American Red Cross, National Association for Down Syndrome, PBS, and local charities.
    -Save a great deal of it.
    -I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of shoes I would buy.
    -I'd pay Joss Whedon and the cast of Firefly for another season. Yes, I know he has S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers 2 on his plate right now but I can wait.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I'd buy houses for my family members, a fast car and truck, a power rack, an atv, ,motorcycles, snowmobiles, a tractor, jet skis, a rv, basically anything with a motor, and a new computer for starters.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    someone in Florida is pinching themselves because they get to do all these things.
  • MintyStarshine
    Quit work, pay off my student loans, buy a house, buy a car, invest some money, buy a new computer and some nice video games that I've been wanting, complete my vintage toy collection, ration out the money so I could do $50,000/year for 50 years, pay off my sister's house, pay off my mom's mortgage, fix up my father-in-law's place, fix up friends' houses, donate to certain charities, commission certain studios to help animate several creative projects that my husband and I have published, and then save whatever is leftover for a rainy day.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    My MFP friend did a video on this. Have a watch!

  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I would live my life the same .
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    As punishment I would make the money work for me for all the years the money made me work for it.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    pay off my house, buy a power rack and build the most amazing freak'n gym ever.
    invest it and live off it. probably be a personal trainer or teacher bc i love it.
  • islandbeauty81
    islandbeauty81 Posts: 133 Member
    Pay off all debt. Build a house and put the rest in a trust fund for my little one.
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    I would still work. I would give a very large donation to several of my local animal rescues. I would help fix up my church. Then I would get out of my old life and into a new one that benefited my children and me. I would not spend all the money but invest some and put the rest in savings. I know... I am boring but I want to be able to enjoy the life and money for my whole life and then my boys to enjoy it also.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Buy a car and house. Because I need a car, and would enjoy my own actual house.

    Then pay off my parents debts, and give them enough money to live off the rest of their lives carefree.

    Then go on a looooooooooong vacation to Germany.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I'd immediately pay off my house, which would be a joke at the time. (I owe $142k on it). Then I'd move to Maui and find a job there.

    I'm very upset; for some reason it makes it worse that the winning ticket was sold about 30 miles from me. And I'm mad at the Powerball machine at 7-11 that failed to print better numbers for me. Not ONE of my numbers matched up. I bought two tickets--you'd think I'd at least have one matching number.
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    Buy a mountain and build myself a reproduction of Minas Tirith and invite people to come become my subjects, lol.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    [img]http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt290/aleixandrius/new background/newparadise.gif[/img]

    I'd be a million, billion, trillion miles away!

    I would be on vacations all the time and I would invest so my family would never have money problems for hundreds of years. I just left Ohio and got powerball tickets as well.....
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    My husband got mad because I said we'd have to put his mom in some fancy retirement home in Florida because no way in hells she'd ever live with us. Of course, that's prob why we didn't win :noway: My evil thoughts are bad karma.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'd put it into the farm, help out Mikal and Mel with the house they are building, get a website set up to try to market most of the horses, get a 2-bottom plow and a gravity box, replace the Ford Explorer, which is an annoying piece of ****, and take a family vacation to Negril, Jamaica.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had al 7 balls correct one time so I really had to think about it. Sadly, I didn't have the powerball number, just all 7 numbers. It was horrible and I was glad we DIDNT win. Within minutes, we had family asking us for money.

    In my dream world, where no one would harass me? I would:

    I'd make my husband QUIT his job or I wouldn't give him a penny. He is sick and refuses to quit, even though he could get a medical retirement.

    I'd hire a personal trainer and enter a marathon to raise money for St. Judes, then give them a big assed donation. And I'd want a personal chef to go along with that trainer! Although I do love to cook!

    I'd pay for a 24 hour attendant for my mother, who has alzheimers and should have been in a nursing home yesterday. I'd know she is safe and that she wouldn't hurt anyone.

    I'd buy a small jet, a huge motorhome and travel our amazing country with my husband of nearly 34 years.

    I'd buy my son and his fiancé a home and a car, pay off my girls' mortgages and cars.

    I'd add to my 4 1/2 grandchildren's college funds.

    I'd get a new puppy so my lab would have a friend to play with, besides me. :)

    Lastly, I'd buy a large tract of wooded land, build a huge lake on it with a beach, a main cabin, a party house and cabins for my 3 kids and their families.

    I suppose I should be buying tickets...
  • PeanutButterLuver
    Buy a mansion in Turks & Caicos. ( luv it there)
    Buy several sports cars.
    Travel the world & bring along a tutor for my daughter. (I suck at grade 6 math. Lol)
    Give very generously to many organizations, hospitals, schools, etc.
    Pay off mortgages for friends.
    Hire a hot personal trainer.
    Hire a chef.
    And under no circumstances give money to a church!