Runners- Hip pain?

Hi guys. I'm a runner looking to see if anyone else in the community has experienced the type of pain i have been feeling lately.

A little back story: I began running about a year and a half ago after a very long hiatus. I ran for about a year or so on a regular basis- at least 3 times per week- with distances varying from 2 miles to 8 miles, with most falling between 4-6 miles. I have never experienced any injuries or issues while running. I am completely healthy physically and have actually never suffered injuries from ANY exercise. Since the end of January, I've been struggling to get myself up and exercising, and have not been running at all except for 3 times in the past month (1-2 miles).
A few weeks ago i noticed a slight pain in my left hip when i walk. It almost feels like my hip joint is popping out of it's an oval shape trying to move within a round hole. It's not quite *pain* usually, more just uncomfortable, and when i went on short runs in the past month it has not felt worse or aggravated in any way. Today I began training for a half marathon using a 12-week program. Today's run was 60 minutes. I completed the run, going at a very slow pace (13:40/mile) and felt no pain in my hip during it. I also stretched with concentration on opening my hips afterwards. About 2 hours later, i started feeling pain which quickly became worse. It's not as if i can't function but as i walk it hurts enough to make me grimace a little! The pain is usually gone in the morning or has faded to barely noticeable. I don't know what actually started this and i'm not sure if running is making it worse. I really don't want to stop running, especially as i'm getting my mojo back, but will postpone it if necessary.
If anyone has any stretches or ideas how to help it, that would be great, as would any insight as to what it actually is!


  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    I used to run 15 miles a day in high school but got sidelined because my hip pain became so bad I felt like I couldn't walk. Led me to believe I couldn't continue running and I was very depressed about it. Even went to physical therapy for it and was told not to run more than a few miles a day, but the pain still continued. What I've learned was that I had Hip Bursitis, basically inflamed tight hip muscles. The thing is, the pain doesn't stop if you stop running for a long period of time, it'll still bother you on occasion. I wish I knew what I know now, constant obsessive hip stretching really does take away this pain, as it loosens the tight muscles.
    Here is a link, for hip pain. Wish I'd seen this years before, somehow my doctors never explained any of this, I'd believed I was permanently sidelined. Hope this helps someone.
  • hsubharas
    hsubharas Posts: 26 Member
    Bump to the response above me....
    I have had hip and knee issues and am realizing everything is related. I have been a runner for a long time. I ran A LOTover the past year and ran into more knee issues initially. I have just gotten back into running more regularly.
    I might suggest a foam roller and work your whole leg, quads, hamstrings, calves, butt muscle, and muscles on outside of legs...
    Here is a little more info on the foam roller.
    Good luck