Hey Ya'll

pykieprincess Posts: 11
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I have only been on this site for 24 hours and I am already hooked. I plan on losing at least 41 lbs. I have just come out of a grueling work and school schedule as well as some of life's ups and downs, so I am hoping that getting back to a healthier lifestyle will be like riding a bike and come naturally. I could definitely use a support system though. If anyone is interested in buddy-ing up with me I would be more than happy to help too!

- Angel


  • SkodaGal
    SkodaGal Posts: 6 Member
    I have four words for you: You Can Do It!
    I think a good key word is consistency; be consistent with your goal and lifestyle habits and/or changes, but remember to change things up a bit so you don't get bored. Support systems are key and this website is a pretty good one.
    Yes I sometimes need help with the whole consistency thing, but I do know it works. And keeping track of food and exercise definitely helps; especially the food! Ok those are my words of supposed wisdom. Enjoy your journey :)
  • Thanks for the advice and encouragement SkodaGal! I will definitely be struggling with my follow through so your words of wisdom are super helpful. It's just so EASY to say "maybe later...", and I don't want to fall further into that pit as I have finally decided to climb out of it.

    ~ Angel
  • This site is AWESOME!!!!! I am ready to lose this weight once and for all. I am excited about all the new people i am meeting.
  • I totally agree! Hope your day is starting off great. :happy:
  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    TOTALLY interested in buddying up!!! I could use all the MFP I can get. They are amAzing btw. Your gonna absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this site girl! =D
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I love this site it has helped so much! I find if I log my food for the day breakfast, snack , lunch, snack I have enough calories left over for dinner. It makes it easy. If I see that I'm going to cut into the dinner calories I start to make some better choices for the four meals.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    This site is AWESOME!!!!! I am ready to lose this weight once and for all. I am excited about all the new people i am meeting.
    Once and for all ! No more regain the lost wieght!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Welcome aboard! I also love this site and it keeps me motivated and on the right track because I hold myself accountable for everything that goes in my mouth!
  • I love this site it has helped so much! I find if I log my food for the day breakfast, snack , lunch, snack I have enough calories left over for dinner. It makes it easy. If I see that I'm going to cut into the dinner calories I start to make some better choices for the four meals.

    The food diary has been a huge help for me too. It is making me think about what I'm putting in my mouth (and around my midsection) and asking myself if it's the choice I really want to make. My schedule makes it kinda tough to get in the four meals a day, so that is another mini goal for me to work towards as well.
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