
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mimi – WOW! Great stats from the doc.:drinker: That is news we all need to hear. Good diet and exercise does us all good from the inside out. Also a reminder to get a check-up. (Make a note Faye)

    SuzieQ - Allergies are such a pain. Hopefully yours will be better soon.

    Tiara – Boy, can I relate to the fall on the knee. Hopefully no damage done except your bruise.

    That just made me think of another reason I started taking care of myself. It seems that the last couple of years as I started getting stiffer and more arthritic that I was having more clutz moments. I did some major damage to myself – some were just doh accidents, but I have a feeling that they were all made worse by bad balance and inflexibility. That is slowly getting better with proper diet and exercise.

    The trainer at the gym wants me to swim on T & T each week for a while instead of so much elliptical. I'm not sure how much good it will do as I swim like a cement block. But I'm giving it a shot. I know the lifeguards must be keeping an eye on me. I so wish I was a good and graceful swimmer. I look like someone who is desperately trying not to drown. Which come to think about it is exactly what I am doing. :ohwell:

    Here's a :flowerforyou: for everyone taking care of parents, grandparents and extending a helping hand to adult children. You aren't referred to as the sandwich generation for nothing.

    I have a long list of things I should get done before I go help the lifeguards earn their pay, so here's hoping we all have a good day!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Pamela! This is a fun group and you will find a lot of support here.

    My internet was down yesterday and this morning, so I will have to make this short as I am at work.

    Hugs to all dealing with parents this week.

    Kudos to all doing well and especially Kudos to to all struggling as it means you are still trying and not giving up.

    I weighed in at 149.8 and the ticker moved! It may be just under 150, but I will take it. It was very motivating to have the scale move this week even if it was just a pound.

    Have a great day all,

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Hello All, this is your resident lurker.

    I do so enjoy reading all your posts. To those caring for aging parents you have my respect and prayers. This time is difficult but very rewarding.

    I have been down with a stomach flu of some variety. I am on the mend today and back in the game, and actually sitting still for a while, so here I am.

    Suzzie I can relate to your neverending remodels. I have lived in several and am living in one right now. This one is taking really long as we have so many other commitments.

    Mary congratulations on the new Grandbaby. ( Shows you how long I have been out of touch:blushing: )

    On the subject of HRM's I have a Pro Form Precision XT with the chest strap. I have compared it to the others in use tests and it was within 20 cals on a really long workout. It is set up for my age, HR, weight, etc. They are a really good tool.

    I live in a rural area surrounded by woods and marshes. On Monday one of my Yorkies decided to go walk about. She chased a bunny waaaaaaaaay out into the marsh on the front of our property and then did not come back. I could hear her barking occasionally but nothing more. I got my walking stick and cell phone and set out.

    Bear in mind that the marsh grass is waist high and very thick, so I needed the stick to locate a place to put my feet as I walked.
    While my little dog skimmed over the bogs, my progress was not as quick or pretty, as every step or two I sunk in muck and cold water. I waded along wondering how I was going to locate her, and then saw motion on the far side of the pond, which was to deep to cross so I back tracked and attacked the marsh from another angle. I did locate her, she was stuck in a wild rosebush. She refused to walk through the marsh grass, on our way out, so made the trip riding on my shoulder as I slogged along. I don't think she will ever try the marsh again, at least I hope not. I could not find a calorie count for this activity any suggestions.

    I see I have not even posted goals for this month and it is half over, Oh my! I am still eating well and drinking lots of water and exercising. I am just swamped with work. Just this AM I spoke to DH about my schedule and suggested someone else may need to take on part of my workload as I need more time for other projects, including myself as one of those projects. I think that will be my goal for this month.

    I must return to the workday. You are all in my thought and prayers, as well as on my list of things I am thankful for.

    Be back soon:heart: Ali9ce
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    The MFP friend I was worried about is back. She got swamped with “stuff” to do. I’m so glad. When you see somebody who’s done so well, it’s scary to think they might have gotten off track. That pattern is too familiar.

    Tiarapants, I’m glad you’re enjoying your “relatively free” day. You deserve it. You do a great job being there for your dad and MIL. Sorry about your bruise. Ow. And, you’re right, omnia sunt possibilia with some support from our friends, a good website for logging what we eat, exercise, and, of course, veggies!

    Suezzzque, hope you’re feeling better. My fingers are crossed for your bid on the fixer upper.

    Jackie, I’m excited for you. I hope everything goes well with your mom’s homecoming. You, and the others on MFP who are helping out with their parents, make a big difference in their lives. You deserve a lot of credit.

    Terri, I like your ideas for non-food splurges. We need to have those treats once in awhile. What a good job to make them something other than food. I just realized I’m doing that too. A first for me and a good sign!

    Laura, how exciting for you and family to have that grandson almost to the just-right temp. I’m sure he’ll be delectable! You are doing so well with your weight loss.

    Pamela, welcome! My best advice would be to cut up some fruit and, maybe, some veggies, put them in a container, and take them with you for snacking. Trouble rears its ugly head when we get hungry and have only cr@ppy choices. You stop trouble in its tracks when you’re prepared with the good stuff. Good luck!

    Robin, you sound like you’ve turned the corner! It’s easy to get down when we focus on the things that aren’t right with our lives. And there will always be plenty of them! You have done so awesomely with your food and exercise – especially having quit smoking. (Which is a HUGE accomplishment!) I love the choices you make for eating. Your exercise is crazy. You are getting healthier every day. Hurray for you!

    Faye, I’ve noticed the changes in coordination and balance too. They are slowly improving. A couple of months ago I read the book, Strong Women Stay Young. The author, Dr. Miriam Nelson, is a prof at Tufts. They’ve done a lot of good studies showing that even the frail elderly (in convalescent homes) benefit tremendously from strength training. I highly recommend the book.

    I checked out her website to see if there was anything interesting to pass along. Here are a couple of (paraphrased) excerpts I thought were particularly interesting. This is kind of long, but I’m amazed and impressed by what I read.


    After 40, people lose 1/3 to 1/2 pound of muscle each year and gain that much body fat. Strength training helps build new muscle…the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day. Also, because you are stronger, physical activity becomes easier and more fun.

    It is so important to get the most vitamins, minerals, and satisfaction as possible from the food you eat.

    * Try to eliminate white breads and rice from your diet and replace with whole grains—like whole wheat bread, bran, oats, and brown rice. These products contain many more nutrients, fill you up more, and keep your hunger away longer.

    * Load up on fruits and vegetables—things like cucumbers, carrots, jicama, apples, and grapefruits make great snacks.

    * Try keeping food logs—you may be eating more than you think.
(Thank you MFP!)

    * Drink a tall glass of water before assuming you are hungry. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. And remember to drink at least eight glasses of water each day

    Another huge motivation to get fit: Canadian scientists studied 4615 65-year olds who were free of cognitive impairment at the start of the study. 5 years later…individuals who reported high levels of physical activity at the beginning of the study had a 40 to 50% REDUCTION in the development of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and ALZHEIMER’S disease.

    Here’s something else I just read that made my mouth drop open:

    Over a decade ago, Mayo Clinic scientists took a group of 50 women (aged 58-75) and randomized them into 2 groups. One performed muscle-strengthening exercises of the back muscles for 2 years; the other served as controls. At the end of 2 years, the women who had been strength training had stronger back muscles but there was no difference between groups in bone density.

    HOWEVER, 8 years later, the scientists tested the women again. The women in the control group had experienced almost THREE TIMES as many vertebral fractures (fractures of the bones in the spine) than the women in the strength training group. The controls had had 14 crush fractures; whereas the strength trainers had had only 6 crush fractures. This was a highly significant difference between groups.

    Here’s something about heart disease risk: Beside reduction in risk from physical activity amount/intensity, a 12-yr Harvard study of 44,000+ men showed the men who strength trained > 30 minutes per week had an approximate 30% REDUCTION IN RISK. (There are also some large observational trials with women underway.)

    Another tidbit that’s interesting for those with diabetes: In a Tufts University study of 62 older men and women, half did strength training, the other half received the usual care. After 16 weeks, the men and women in the strength-training group experienced significant improvements in glucose control, had reductions in blood pressure, became stronger, gained muscle, and lost body fat. Most of them were able to REDUCE THEIR DIABETES MEDS. Wow.


    The importance of getting fitter and strength training sure comes home reading about all of you who are helping care for aging parents. Everything we can do now will make a difference to our children down the road. All this tells me to get off my butt and start the Butt ‘n’ Gut exercises or some other strength training that I promised myself to do. I am going to start this month. Please hold me to it.

    Jeannie, congrats on the weight loss. You are already 2/3 of the way to your goal. That’s great!

    Alice, your marsh trek should count for LOTS of calories. Your story paints such a picture in my mind. It sounds as though you live in a beautiful (but kind of dangerous!) place.

    Thanks to all of you who make this group a wonderful place to hang out. You make my life better. :love:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, All, DH and I decided yesterday to get in the car and drive to Asheville, NC in an attempt to escape the heat and humidity of our lowcountry. It is some cooler here and nice to see the mountains. Also just nice to get away from chores and household duties for a bit. I have not been too great in the eating/exercise arena the past day and a half. Not too bad, just not great. I did a walk up and down the hills here earlier...so different from our flat land in the coastal area, but good for me to get ready for our time out in MT!

    I read through posts quickly and it seems we are all at the age where both parents and grown children pull on our time and mental state! I am thinking of each of you who are struggling and hope that things get better.:heart::heart:

    Mimi: WAY TO GO on your check up numbers. That is very impressive and very important. I also enjoyed reading your info on strength training etc. We all need to keep at it...it is SO worth the effort!

    Robin: I am like you...if I am feeling out of sorts, a bit of cleaning and organizing makes me feel more in control. Good for you!

    Everyone else...take care and hope the rest of the week is good for everyone. Hang in there:drinker: :drinker: kackie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    The importance of getting fitter and strength training sure comes home reading about all of you who are helping care for aging parents. Everything we can do now will make a difference to our children down the road. All this tells me to get off my butt and start the Butt ‘n’ Gut exercises or some other strength training that I promised myself to do. I am going to start this month. Please hold me to it....Thanks to all of you who make this group a wonderful place to hang out. You make my life better. :love:

    For some reason this reminds me of something that happened with my folks not long after I started working out:
    Moma was so weak she couldn't walk to the bathroom unaided and kept falling. Daddy was so frail he could no longer lift her on his own, so I often was called at all hours of the day or night to come help him get her back in the bed. Daddy was amazed at my strength and stamina and was overheard telling one of my brothers, "Better be nice to your little sister. She could whip us both." LOL!

    I've been moderately active today. Still chaffing that I can't ride my bike or do cardio yet. Moving too fast still makes me light headed. At least today I'm not wanting to eat everything in sight!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Hi everyone, just want to check in real quick. I cannot believe how much I look forward to getting on here and hearing how everyone is doing. I tried to go to work today, but after driving there got out of car and walked in office and got sick. These stupid ribs hurt too much to wear a bra. (where are the 60's when I need them). Anyway, decided to stop at store for some groceries. I pushed cart back to my car and went to open my doors and all of a sudden I looked and the cart was going down the parking lot. I started running and thankfully it did not hit a car just came to stop at bottom. I was laughing so hard I could hardly get it back up to my car. My grandkids loved hearing that story and added quite a bit.
    Spent aftertnoon babysitting and then to LLBean to get DH a birthday gift for Saturday.
    Oh well hope this finds you all well and happy. Today is a day that it is good to be alive and getting healthy.
    Wedding invitations went in mail today exciting times.
    Good night
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone, just want to check in real quick. I cannot believe how much I look forward to getting on here and hearing how everyone is doing. I tried to go to work today, but after driving there got out of car and walked in office and got sick. These stupid ribs hurt too much to wear a bra. (where are the 60's when I need them). Anyway, decided to stop at store for some groceries. I pushed cart back to my car and went to open my doors and all of a sudden I looked and the cart was going down the parking lot. I started running and thankfully it did not hit a car just came to stop at bottom. I was laughing so hard I could hardly get it back up to my car. My grandkids loved hearing that story and added quite a bit.
    Spent aftertnoon babysitting and then to LLBean to get DH a birthday gift for Saturday.
    Oh well hope this finds you all well and happy. Today is a day that it is good to be alive and getting healthy.
    Wedding invitations went in mail today exciting times.
    Good night


    I am, glad your shopping cart story had a happy ending. Those who have been on this thread since January or before are quite familiar with what happened to me when I tried to chase a shopping cart. I ended up in the hospital after falling face first and giving myself a concussion. It has been a life changing event. For your sake, considering you are already a wreck from your previous fall, I am VERY glad you didn't follow my lead and do more damage to yourself.

    Now that I think of it, the old timers on here are going to think we are related. Memorial Day weekend of 2009, I attempted to ride a bike (which was the wrong size for me..too tall) and I fell and would have scrambled my brains good had it not been for my helmet.

    When it comes to accidents, I hope that TWO is all we will have in common--for BOTH our sakes.

    Take it easy....Have to go as I have a meeting to get to.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Really, really trying to break this carb desire. That apple cider vinegar is certainly working! Sometimes, tho, I just don't get to it fast enough, like tonight I had a piece of bread. I really didn't need that bread, but I didn't get to the vinegar fast enough. dh would probably think I'd totally lost it if he ever saw me drinking vinegar....lol Tell me about the vinegar tasting nasty!!!! The first time I had some, my throat was burning and it felt like I was losing my voice. Now I don't have that problem. It really and truly does work, ladies. Update: I really believe that vinegar is working. I opened the freezer earlier for something and had absolutely no desire whatsoever for the cookies that were in there. However, I did have a piece of this iced chocolate chip cookie. I should have had a swig of the vinegar instead. The calories -- ouch!

    So glad you joined us, jaxi

    Oh, Laura, your mom not wanting to be with the "old" people brings back so many memories for me. I guess all our parents go thru that.

    tcac - the "exercise ticker", do you mean a pedometer? Check where you are supposed to have it positioned, I know that on mine I need to have it on the waistband above the middle of the thigh. Also, I found that for some reason, it didn't register when I had it on jeans. Not sure why. I'm so sorry to read that you're having such problems. About your daughter's job (or lack of), there was a woman who worked at the Y when we lived in the Poconos. Her hubby was in the military, as a matter of fact, that is why they were in the Poconos, he was stationed around there. The Y is in most every city, so even if she got a job in the office there, they could most likely relocate her. I hope you get good news about your ribs

    Sometimes I, too, wonder if I'm obsessive about my exercising and logging food. Well, the exercising sometimes I will give up if we have to travel somewhere or if there's something that really gets in the way. But I constantly write down what I eat and then log it. That seems to be one of the hardest things to break. Even when I go on vacation, I log my food.

    heartw - paying taxes is really not a thing that you must do. You can always go to jail. Not that I'd want to...lol

    SuzyQ - I hand it to you remodeling your house. I don't think I could do it. Guess I'm too "a" type personality and that mess would drive me up a wall. As a matter of fact, before we could leave for the hosp with dd#3, I had to make the bed. Vince kept trying to say to me "my mother (who was with us to watch the other kids) will do it", but I wouldn't have any part of it. We were NOT leaving a messed up bed....lol The day I went into labor, Vince and his father installed a whole house fan in our house, so that meant cutting out a hole in the ceiling of the kitchen. There I was in labor on my hands and knees washing the floor! I couldn't stand having that mess in the house.

    I tell Jessica that women are born with an extra gene -- the worry gene and it doesn't kick in until you have children. That's when she tells me she's not going to have any children (yea, right)

    I, too, like my FT7. Some of the things that I really don't like are the fact that it doesn't really have a stopwatch, it has a "duration" setting. But for my needs, I can manage. The manual is a bit of a hard-read. It takes a while, but you can eventually get thru it. The full manual is online, what you get in the box is just a mini-manual. I don't know why they have the "duration" and the "time of day" on the same watch screen. I'm really not interested in the time of day, I'm more interested in what my heartrate is doing. You do have to jump 2 screens to find it out. I wish for my own needs that the backlight stayed on continuously or that you at least had the option of having it on continuously or for just a few seconds. One other thing that I found out, there's no way to shut it off. Even when you take the transmitter off, the time of day will be displayed. But those things aside, from everything that I've read, it's one of the most accurate for determining your calorie burn. I also looked at the F6 but that one you have to return to the company to have the battery replaced, with the FT7 you replace the battery yourself. Little downside is that the transmitter and the watch take different size batteries. I know that there are other features that I really haven't utilized totally quite yet, have only had the HRM for a few days, not even a week yet. There's a "low battery" indicator which I'm sure is very helpful.

    Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, I bought a new bathing suit today. OK, not one of my most favorite passtimes. It was on sale 50% off and by buying it today I got an extra 15% off. It's really intersting that there were so many size 10, 12, 14's but very very few 8's. I actually fit into an 8!!!! Go me!!!! I saw this one that I really liked on the hanger but I preferred the way the one I got fit me. I think my bathing suit is on its last legs, so I'd better get one before I start looking like I have a load in my pants....lol

    So far (knock wood) I've been lucky and haven't had a lot of hot flashes. If I have, they haven't been real bad. To this I attribute the fact that I exercise to really helping. When I broke a bone in my foot last yr and couldn't exercise, I was miserable. The sweat would be pouring down my (get this) backs of knees. Then there would be times in bed when I would get so warm that I was uncomfortable.

    Speaking of exercise -- did a hr of the deep water aerobics today (Wed). Tomorrow, I'll do a strength DVD at home, this Fit & Firm DVD. Hopefully, if I remember, I can make it to a Zumba class. I really need to "shake things up" a bit and this would probably do it. I really wish the gal who was teaching at this Y near me didn't leave. Then Friday I'll probably do a workout on the Stairmaster as I haven't done that in a while. Then Saturday is yoga, Sunday I'll probably do some WiiFit balance games.

    congrats mimi on such impressive blood numbers!

    Well, it finally worked into the schedule. I did an hour of zumba today (Thurs). Yes, at times I was totally lost. But I think that's because I was so new. I must say, tho, that I was surprised how much I sweated and how much water I drank.

    A big welcome to Pamela. I find that if I have refined carbs, that doesn't satisfy me for very long. For your snack, have a piece of fruit. Yes, it's carbs, but it's the complex carbs. What is your typical breakfast like? I find that if I have a breakfast that's high in protein (like some egg whites), that fills me for much longer than if I just have cereal. I remember one time a personal trainer asked me what I'd had for breakfast. I thought I was doing really good, I told him I'd had Kashi cereal, an apple, and a chocolate bran muffin that I'd made. Then he said "do you realize how very carb heavy that meal was? Instead of the cereal, I would have had egg whites. He was right! It was carb heavy. Now I'm much more aware of having protein with my meals.

    Faye - I, too, am very uncomfortable in deep water. I know that's because when I was little, I was in the ocean and the tide pulled me out. That feeling of not being able to tell which direction I was in, of not being able to touch the bottom, has stayed with me all these years. I don't look anything graceful in the water, that's for sure. But water exercises are really good for you. You can get a good total body workout. It isn't weight bearing, but it sure shocks your muscles, you're using them in a different way. I bet that's what your trainer is going after for you. Since I've started doing exercises in the pool I swear I can see most of the cellulite on the tops of my legs gone. Most -- not all.

    kackie - you took a trip to Asheville and didn't stop in Newton! Well, I never........ Actually, Asheville has a lot of good health food stores, I'd love to go to them one day. Now there's an idea...maybe I can get Bryan to go with me! If anything, maybe I can get him to go to Trader Joe's, or I can go by myself, or I can maybe get a friend to go with me.

    Linda - so glad your shopping cart didn't hit any car. A run-away shopping cart hit my car and you should havae seen the dent it left! I couldn't help thinking of Barb and her "adventures" while reading this

    Well, the friends that I thought were coming tomorrow came tonight. Fortunately, I'd made these zucchini muffins. If they come back tomorrow night, I'm going to make these sausage/cheese balls. Actually, I'll make them anyway, I can always keep them in the freezer and just take them out when I need something.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    2) I put an exercise ticker on and it does not move, what do I need to do?

    Hi, You need to go back to tickerfactory .com and update your ticker every day. I have one, too, but I need to wait for my DD's baby to be born before I can put it into my signature!

    Suezzeque--I've been using the cider vinegar for 2 days now. No real help yet but, guess what? I LIKE it! Then again, I always did like vinegary foods!

    Mary--I hope your mom does well in the rehab facility. Get some rest! (Which is what I am going to do soon!)

    Almost forgot--I thought I had a hot flash once--turned out that it is really NOT a good idea to put Icy Hot on sore shoulders and then go to bed! LOL!:laugh: Never did that again!

    I am going to bed now! I mean it!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Home again from another exhausting day. Mom is now in a rehab facility. I hope it goes well and she doesn't hate it too much. We got home about 5:30, then went and played in the city band concert. Did I say I was exhausted? Now to plan a birthday party for tomorrow night . . .

    I'm still too tired to log my food. Tomorrow is a new day. Meet me there, would you?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I finished reading all the posts and feel the exhaustion and worry of all of you with parents to care for........that chapter of my life is over, but the memory lingers and I know how much energy and emotion if requires.

    :flowerforyou: our big worry/crisis these days is doing the research to figure out health insurance to go with medicare...all the reading and thinking should be good for my brain.

    :flowerforyou: I compose messages to all of you while I'm walking and working and then when I get to the computer my brain is too muddled......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :explode: :explode: :explode:
    time for bed....early to bed and early to rise and there's always time for yoga in the morning (doesn't rhyme but tells the story)
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: last day of work today before 2 weeks of R & R and a whole bunch of things I want to do!!...... Yay!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. The new project at work is OVERWHELMING!

    Anyway, if anyone asked me a question or made a comment to me, I missed it. I think the best thing is to send me a PM at this point. I think the month of June is going to be spent with my nose to the grindstone!
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Ladies
    It does seem like many of us are dealing with aging parents.
    ( Me too, Mom just lost her driver's license two weeks ago, thank god )

    :smile: I see two "Good News" aspects to dealing with aging parents...:smile:
    1. If you're in this group (50+) and your parents are still around, then you might be blessed with good genes, and
    2. If you're in this group - then you are exercising, eating right, and doing your best to enjoy the next 30 years!

    DH and I are leaving for vacation next Tuesday so if I seem to be M.I.A., well, I probably am. We'll be back July 10.

    Last - - I do have three exercise MP3s - 30min, 35min and 45min long. They are kind of tailored to my walking pace, but if you want to try one of them (mimi7grands did) then send me your email address and I will share them with you.

    And yes, judging by mimi7grands numbers we are certainly "Staying Alive"
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm feeling a bit achy today - possibly because of the bump on my knee. I managed to do 55 minutes of exercise yesterday though, so not too shabby. I was absolutely exhausted by ten last night - could barely keep my eyes open. Of course, once I got into bed my mind started whirring around and I couldn't switch off. What I do on these occasions is plug myself into my ipod and listen to meditation sounds. One of the ones that I find most effective is the sound of rainfall, but I always have to make sure I've been to the bathroom before I listen to it!

    About two o'clock this morning I had one of my 'visitations'. Basically my mum gets into my head and I can't get her out of it. She nags me about things - generally it's about me not taking enough care of my dad. Obviously it's a guilty conscience - although I'm not sure what I've got to feel guilty about. I do take care of my dad and I'm certainly the only one of his children who visits him. Don't really know what I can do about it. Much as I love and miss my mum, she was always able to push my buttons. I didn't leave the hospital for the last three weeks of her life and sat with her through the most awful procedures because she wouldn't let me leave her for a moment. Even through all that, her last words to me were words of anger. It's something I will never be able to put behind me (and I actually have tears streaming down my face as I type this). I promise with all my heart that I will not put my own children through this.

    Excuse me for my maudlin moment.

    My DH has given me some work to keep me occupied today. I've got to proof read twelve hundred pages of his next book. Sometimes I really wish he wrote mystery novels or something a little less dusty! I'll probably have to have a nap half way through it. At least it's all on the pc now. The first book he wrote was all hand-written and I had to type it up for him. That boy's handwriting is atrocious!!

    I haven't been able to face breakfast the last couple of days, so I've just been having a protein shake. I'm actually quite liking them now, although I have every intention of getting back to proper breakfasts soon. I've also started to take spirulina tablets to try and help my fight against hay fever. I never take them for more than a month at a time though.

    Hot flushes/flashes - I've been having them now for 20 years, since I had my hysterectomy. Some nights I have to actually change the bedding, which is not fun at all. I was put on estradiol patches and I'm not sure that they helped at all. I have tried so many homeopathic treatments over the years. The only one that I still use is Agnus Castus, which certainly seems to lessen the symptoms. Black cohosh made me really sick. I would have dizzy spells and actually passed out on a couple of occasions. However, my ex-boss used to swear by it. We are all different.

    Tomorrow should be a good day. I've got my 'girlie day' with my younger daughter. We are shopping and spoiling ourselves. My son and his fiancée are going to spend a few hours with my dad, so I shouldn't have to worry about him (I will, but I shouldn't have to).

    Well, I really should get stuck in to some proof reading now.

    My best wishes and prayers go to all of those who are struggling at present - be it with ailments, parents, children or just life in general. Take care and enjoy your day xx
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Hats off to you ladies who reply to everyone . Maybe someday I'll be that organized...

    Glad to hear the vinegar therapy is working for my fellow carb addicts. I've learned to get a good mouth full of spit going before I take a spoonful and immediately chase it with water. :drinker: If you've never tried it before, it takes 3-5 days to kill the carb cravings.

    I too hate the mess of living in a house while we remodel. As often as possible we try to do the demo and really nasty stuff flike stripping floors before we actually move in. I once had everything I owned in storage for a year. We were downsizing after out kids both moved out and had bought a foreclosure. The plan was to live with my parents while we did the messy part. So we put everything in storage, went on a 10 day vacation and then a week after ew got home, Daddy died unexpectedly. We ended up staying in their house while we updated it to sell and about a year later finally got to move into our house. We actually only lived there 6 months when Moma died and we made the decision to move back to West Texas to be near hubby's folks where we bought - you guessed it- an older home that needed updating. Only ripped out 2 walls, replaced all the flooring, painted inside and out, and built a privacy fence here. If we get the house we made the offer on, we plan to refinish the hardwood floors and paint before we move in. It has a huge laundry room witha sink we can use as a temporary kitchen (if we cook out on the grill) and we can sleep upstairs while we update the kitchen and master suite. Then upstairs will become a workout room and guest space so we won't have to condition that air 24/7. We probably won't do anything to the upstairs until Spring.

    After three days of rest, decongestants and vitamin C therapy, I feel like I am rejoining the land of the living. Call me crazy, but I'd dearly love to put on a dust mask and go outside and mow my yard before it gets so tall the snakes think I have put out a welcome sign. Instead I will stay indoors and walk with Leslie. I'm also thrilled to see the scale down that pound I gained while hubby was working nights. :happy:

    Planning to check back in with you motivated gals later.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm trying to get into work early to watch the World Cup soccer game this morning at work. (one of the good things about working in IT is that we have streaming capabilities and more than one monitor) So, this will be very short and I only just scanned the posts.

    Mimi - Thanks for taking the time to post all that information on keeping active. It's a good reminder to all of us and helps keep us on track.

    Happy Friday all and good thoughts for having a good, healthy and fit weekend

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Mornin' ladies. Way behind on reading posts, maybe catch up this weekend.:ohwell:
    Yuck. Up 1.5 lbs this week, the worst I've done this year. Why? Home with gyppy tummy. Didn't realize what a boredom eater I could be, but as nauseated :sick: as I was, kept trying to find something that would taste/feel good. Bloop! :embarassed: No dance class Wed and Thurs either. BLOOP BLOOP.:embarassed: :frown: :embarassed:

    On the positive side, last Saturday I stumbled into the mall and came out with 3 summerweight jackets, a skirt and a blouse, and they were all XLs not 1Xs. I asked the clerk if this was a plus sized store. When she said no I started to cry, I just couldn't believe it. When I stammered out that I was sorry to be so emotional, but that she couldn't know how much that meant, she hugged me and said she understood. What a sweetie! I didn't do nearly as well as you Barb, next time I'll hit the thrifts. But I was SO pleased, the $100 for 5 pieces, didn't even sting.

    Gutt'n'butt 3rd try day 14 :bigsmile: The plan is to continue Gutt'n'butt for another 7 days, by when it should be a HABIT! Barbie you're RIGHT the hardest part is putting my body down on the mat.

    Hugs to you all, and MacMadame I will do BETTER this weekend to compensate for this week. I Will, I WILL!:laugh:

    Gratitudes 1-old fart in red Cadillac kept me from speeding through school zone 2-lightning, thunder and double rainbow 3-garden water at the turn of a faucet 4-Table Rock Copperhead Red Ale 5-DH who made me a compost screen, then never complained when I didn't use it for over a year, nor when I finally did use as a soil screen.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon Folks .....
    From a rather dull north Wales
    ohwell: The scales have been the same for a few days now.... 156lb. Hopefully I've been good today and we'll hope I'll drop a pound ....pleeeease !
    What a learning curve yesterday and today have been!! :sad: But we're still here ...may be up to our eyes in *kitten* .....but once we're in a routine we should be better. The baby monitor came into it's own when I could see Mum's legs had slipped through the bed sides at 3 am. Bumpers needed I think.We're getting better at using the hoist but must admit we found it verrry difficult when we tried to hoist mum ...AND her wheelchair.:noway: OOOOps ...guess who forgot to undo the chair waist strap!!
    :yawn: Still both Mum and DH are having "Forty Winks", the tea is all in the steamer and I'm taking five minutes to post here.
    Must go now ....
    Back tomorrow
    :heart: jackie
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