20 lb challenge



  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    Would love to start with you
    everyone is welcome :D yes please join
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    so today will be a real test i work from 3-11 and well ive not had to plan any meals during work because ive been on nights. wish me luck
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    First weigh in : 0.7Kgs lost. (1.54lbs). Little disappointed was hoping for more, still it's heading in the right direction. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a good check-in.
  • _anabanana_
    _anabanana_ Posts: 3 Member
    I am trying to lose around 15 pounds so hopefully I can become motivated to drop the junk food and head to the gym! :)
  • Init2winIt79
    Init2winIt79 Posts: 582
    I'm in!
    I'm 5'2 and trying to lose these stubborn 20lbs for my vacation near the end of July!..and to be healthy and fit, but would love to be comfortable in a bathing suit this summer...

    I've been doing 35-40 minutes of HIIT, followed by strength trainig for about 30 minutes, any suggestions?

    Feel free to friend me : )
    Hope we can make it happen!!
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    First weigh in : 0.7Kgs lost. (1.54lbs). Little disappointed was hoping for more, still it's heading in the right direction. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a good check-in.

    first off wtg any loss is a positive step in the right direction. official weigh in is tomorrow. best of luck to everyone
  • MyHealthyTemple
    MyHealthyTemple Posts: 46 Member
    Hello, I would like to join too please. :-) I lost weight, slipped, came off MFP then gained back a lot of the pounds I previously lost. :-( I was still 9 pounds lighter than my start goal however, so not all was lost. I rejoined MFP on Monday of this week (20th) and have already lost 2 pounds this week. My 43rd birthday is 21st July so this challenge is perfect timing! My hip and knees will thank me if I lose 20 lbs too!

    Start weight: 175 lbs (May 20th)

    Goal: 155 lbs (July)

    Monday, 27th May - Weigh in: 170 lb - Loss of 5 lb! Really happy :-)
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    official weigh in day. wtg everyone whos already weighed in your doing great.
    start weight 188
    goal weight for may 27th 184.2
    actual weight 183.6 :D

    total loss so far 4.4 lbs
    keel up the good work

    next weigh in day is June 3rd
    my new weigh in goal is 180.6
  • KLJ13
    KLJ13 Posts: 32 Member
    I just went backwards! I have gained 6 of my 11 pounds lost. I need motivation too! This will be a good motivator for me. Starting at 168.8! Yuck! I never wanted to see that number again and yet here I am. Time to go for it! Goal weight 150. Gotta be realistic. Would like to see 130 at the very end of this journey!
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    I just went backwards! I have gained 6 of my 11 pounds lost. I need motivation too! This will be a good motivator for me. Starting at 168.8! Yuck! I never wanted to see that number again and yet here I am. Time to go for it! Goal weight 150. Gotta be realistic. Would like to see 130 at the very end of this journey!

    its always a struggle and as long as you keep trying im sure you will succeed. today is a new starting point best of luck :D hope sto see your numbers next Monday with a negative :D
  • zay_91
    zay_91 Posts: 1
    I am def in since I only have 20 pounds left to go!
  • bakedbiscuits
    bakedbiscuits Posts: 6 Member
    I'm totally in. My soft goal is 20 more pounds, but I'd love to lose 30 eventually. This would be great. :)
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    how did everyones weigh in go?
  • JustMajor
    JustMajor Posts: 17
    im in im late but...
  • Pratfield
    Pratfield Posts: 2
    I'm in. I started the zaggora two week challenge yesterday. I'm in for 20 pounds. Lets do this.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I want in!

    Here's my info:

    SW: 163
    CW: 163
    GW: 143

    Joining the local gym tomorrow! Is there a group set up for this or are we just following this thread?
  • jem5065
    jem5065 Posts: 28 Member
    This is realistic and I want in! :) My total goal is 50 lbs.. but to set up a smaller goal first is the best way to start.. i know im joining late but I think i can do this.. is there a way we can set up a group or anything?? How is everyone doing? I started MFP May 17th.. havent lost any weight yet but 1.5 inches down around my waist and hips!
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    This is realistic and I want in! :) My total goal is 50 lbs.. but to set up a smaller goal first is the best way to start.. i know im joining late but I think i can do this.. is there a way we can set up a group or anything?? How is everyone doing? I started MFP May 17th.. havent lost any weight yet but 1.5 inches down around my waist and hips!
    great idea ill ser what I can do n welcome
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    started a group called 20 lb challenge please everyone join :D
  • Lietee31
    Lietee31 Posts: 86 Member
    I want in!

    Here's my info:

    SW: 163
    CW: 163
    GW: 143

    Joining the local gym tomorrow! Is there a group set up for this or are we just following this thread?

    i set up a group and welcome just started the 20 lb challenge group great idea:D please join