Good carbs vs. Bad carbs



  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    What makes one carb good and another bad? A thousand different answers. My answer: A bad carb is only bad when you eat it at the wrong time. For example, if you are sitting on the couch or getting ready for bed- a high glycemic carb is bad at this time. However, right before or during cardio-high glycemic carbs are your good friend.

    Are you saying we shouldn't eat ice cream and chocolate every night before bed :sad: LOL
  • MamaL1n
    MamaL1n Posts: 3
    I want to thank everyone for their input on this subject. I don't have any medical reasons for this (yet) trying to be preventive in this area as my grandfather was a dietetic.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    What makes one carb good and another bad? A thousand different answers. My answer: A bad carb is only bad when you eat it at the wrong time. For example, if you are sitting on the couch or getting ready for bed- a high glycemic carb is bad at this time. However, right before or during cardio-high glycemic carbs are your good friend.

    Are you saying we shouldn't eat ice cream and chocolate every night before bed :sad: LOL

    No. Ice cream and chocolate contain a lot of fat, which results in a lower gycemic index. I was talking about not spiking your insulin, which results in converting the excess sugar in the blood stream to fat. Instead of the personal attack, why not just factually state your opinion? Personal attacks have no benefit in an open forum except making others hate you.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    when i eat white rice i find that i can hungery faster than when i eat brown rice, but i do agree with fibre as being a factor

    Add vegetables to your rice.

    More fibre and bulk = more satiation. A great few chunks of brocolli diced in your rice makes it incredibly filling.
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    What makes one carb good and another bad? A thousand different answers. My answer: A bad carb is only bad when you eat it at the wrong time. For example, if you are sitting on the couch or getting ready for bed- a high glycemic carb is bad at this time. However, right before or during cardio-high glycemic carbs are your good friend.

    Are you saying we shouldn't eat ice cream and chocolate every night before bed :sad: LOL

    No. Ice cream and chocolate contain a lot of fat, which results in a lower gycemic index. I was talking about not spiking your insulin, which results in converting the excess sugar in the blood stream to fat. Instead of the personal attack, why not just factually state your opinion? Personal attacks have no benefit in an open forum except making others hate you.

    I am very sorry i wasn't trying to make anyone feel attacked, i was only trying to be funny. BTW i hardly ever eat chocolate or ice cream.
  • Good carbs: the ones you eat until you hit your calorie goal, as long as y got enough protein and fat

    Bad carbs: any carbs you eat above your calorie goal


    1 gram of carbohydrates is 4 calories. Simple as that. You can gain weight eating nothing but vegetables and grains, you can lose weight eating nothing but sugar (I highly don't recommend that for overall health) as long as you are under your maintenance calories.

    Moderation is key.
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    Good Carb= Carbs..
    Bad Carbs= Too many carbs