I ate fast food & drank Soda!!!



  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    Oh... dear.

    I'm not sure how many calories you took in over those 3 days, but remember this: they are just 3 days of your ENTIRE LIFE. They aren't going to matter in the long run. Get back on track, and just do better.

    For the record, though: I eat pizza. I eat fast food. I just budget it into my calories; I'm losing rapidly. Surely, you could do the same and maintain.

    Seriously! You lose weight & you eat fast food!
    Fast food turn into fats!

    I most definitely do as well! Went for a 4 mile jog yesterday morning and spent the whole day doing spring cleaning (moving furniture and stuff) and rewarded myself with Pizza Hut for dinner. Since it's just me, there's leftover pizza and I ate some for breakfast today, even though I know I need to be at the computer all day. I'll have a light lunch, drink plenty of water, go for a walk in the evening, eat a normal dinner and weigh in tomorrow morning because it's Monday and that's what I do.

    Like others have said, I can't do it all the time and I keep the fast food within my calorie budget (or I try to, anyway!) but fast food doesn't morph directly into fat. Pizza has carbs, protein, and fat, and your body needs all three to do it's thing. In fact, my dietician said I'm not eating enough fat -- fat is definitely not the enemy and the fat you consume in your food does not turn directly into the body fat we're all trying to control. Eating more than your body can use is what causes excess body fat.

    I encourage you to look at the big picture. If you have the MFP mobile app you can get a snapshot of your week (and if not, total the numbers by hand). If I'm a little over one day and a little under the next, but it all works out at the end of the week, then I know I've fueled my body appropriately for my activity level that week.

    Good luck!

    Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help. I do have the app but I don't really use it everyday. I'll try to count calories intake again.
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    This whole myth about eating junk food and not being able to carry on with your aim to lose weight is silly.

    So long as you build it into your day and continue to work out then it will not mess you up, you have a life, live it.

    Then again, you probably would of lost more if you didn't eat fast food.

    What if he counted his calories?
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46

    You're fine. If you beat yourself up after every bad meal you have, this is going to be a long and unpleasant journey for you. Look at my diary for Friday and Saturday. I had Outback and ice cream on Friday night, and Wendys for lunch yesterday. And I'm fine.

    You are guys are right. I was rough with myself that I think a lot before eating a small piece of chocolate.
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    You will be fine. 2 days of poor eating isn't going to change your shape and if you are continuing to work out, it wont be a problem.
    I changed my workout plan to be a bit easier but I feel I want to do insanity for few days to burn this fat >_<

    Calories in, calories out...for weight loss it doesn't matter where those calories come from. A calorie is a calorie...it is a unit of energy and that is all. Nutrition is a completely different matter.

    Also, eating crappy on occasion isn't going to do anything...just like eating healthy every once in awhile doesn't make you "healthy".

    Thanks a lot
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    A few things I've learned about eating over the years:

    1. It's about averages over time, not what we do on one or two specific days.
    2. Eating is not sinning, and we don't need to do repentance for it.
    3. Eating a little "bad" stuff won't kill you as long as you don't make it a habit.
    4. If you constantly beat yourself up, you'll become discouraged and quit.
    5. Ditto if you set the bar too high ... can you live without cake the rest of your life?
    6. You're not "evil" or a "failure" if you don't follow your plan 100%.

    It's about life style, not diet. Unless you're going for the sainthood of food stuffs, enjoying what goes in your mouth and down your gullet is no sin.
    If you seriously get that worked up and stressed out over a few days of what you ate, you may be posting in the wrong type of forum. I know this may sound a little rude, but really, it sounds a little over the top to be this upset about a little grease and carbonation. Take a deep breath and move on with your week. I'm sure this isn't the 'one regret' you'll be reminiscing about in your old age.
    Sometimes I think we get way to caught up in all the stats and research (thank you Internet).

    The above post really sums it up in a nut shell.

    Have a happy Sunday! :)

    Yah I hate when I look at food and think about fats, fats scare but I've realized I was wrong about all of this. Thanks
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    I'd worry more about the soda than the food, because sugary drinks are addictive and the chemicals and sugar hit the bloodstream and brain so fast.

    Try to avoid those. And diet drinks, in my opinion are no better. They're a chemical cocktail of poison.

    Pepsi contains 10 teaspoons of sugar :(
  • Ghadah88
    Ghadah88 Posts: 46
    I say if you do not eat fast food and junk, sweets pop all that all the time then you should be good.

    just try not to make into a habit to eat those things all the time...

    yes you can exercise those fat off. may take time of course, but you can exercise it off.

    True!! Thanks
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Lots of bad ingredients in fast food and soda. The calories alone aren't a big deal if you aren't gorging every day.
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    A few things I've learned about eating over the years:

    1. It's about averages over time, not what we do on one or two specific days.
    2. Eating is not sinning, and we don't need to do repentance for it.
    3. Eating a little "bad" stuff won't kill you as long as you don't make it a habit.
    4. If you constantly beat yourself up, you'll become discouraged and quit.
    5. Ditto if you set the bar too high ... can you live without cake the rest of your life?
    6. You're not "evil" or a "failure" if you don't follow your plan 100%.

    THIS is awesome!
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I chased a Chipotle burrito with some 5 Guys Cajun Fries today and I'm not worried about it. Sure, it's not something I do often (as in it's the first time I've had either in months), but there's little need to be too strict about food. It hasn't even put me over for calories today, so I feel even better about it.