newbie here....need some food and exercise ideas

pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
I am just starting fitness pal per request from my Dr. I really like what I have learned so far. I am needing to get some ideas for food and some good exercises to begin with. I worry that if I start heavy with exercising that I will burn out quickly and give up.

What foods do you like?
What exercises would you suggest to build up my stamina?


  • Hey chesnut,

    I like a lot of fresh foods so during this time of year, I try to grow a few of my own including herbs. I make meals in bulk that can last me a few days, all with fresh veg etc and usually some tofu or quorn products - I stick to either the fillets or the mince because I find the rest to be too fattening.

    On the exercise front, start of with walking. It's easy, low impact and can take you places you'd never expect. I used to walk several miles a week before I became too unwell to do so and that kept me fit (ish). Cycling is also great and lessens the possibility of injuring yourself. Unless you trying to mount the pavement incorrectly or fail to stop at a junction.

    During the times it's too UGH to go outside, take up yoga. Attend classes so you learn how to perform the postures effectively. I'd say avoid any yoga that proclaims to be EXTREME or HARDCORE. You want the static stuff that makes you hold postures in perfect form whilst maintaining correct breathing. You will work up a sweat, trust me!

    From there, you can start running, get competitive with the cycling and tackle more advanced yoga.

    Hope that helps,
  • chubbers47
    chubbers47 Posts: 1
    start with walking. its the easiest way to get into exercising. Outside is best....i usually try to go in the mornings when its quiet. Another of my favorite is yoga. Great for getting focused. It will all come in time. Everything begins with step one :)good luck!