New and needing improvement

Hi everyone,

I started using MFP this week in place of a different calorie-controlled regime, which had previously been successful.

I lost 2 1/2 stone on it whilst I was living on 1400kcal a day and walking lots and then plateaued a bit, but that was fine. I was happy, reasonably active and my diet was vegetarian with lots of the good things you'd expect with that sort of eating.

The spanner in the works was when the M.E./CFS/Fibromylagia I had been diagnosed with the year before decided to kick me in the man-bits and put me in bed for the whole of last summer. But that was only after it degraded my mobility and ushered me into the Depression Room where I found the comfort of pizza, chocolate, fast n; meaty foods, and a couple of biscuits with my mug of tea.

Since the start of the year, I've stamped on the depressing habits and got back into a routine with the aim of shedding the 2st I gained from being progressively unwell, and build up my physical resilience again.

I've started eating a small portion of meat (Sundays) and fish (Thursdays) and upped my intake of veg and fruit as best as I can considering that eating makes me feel quite sick a lot of the time - all part and parcel of having FM.

So I'm walking more (though hardly what I was able to do before, and at a snail's pace), using resistance bands and eating better. I've lost 3lb since beginning a few months ago and am in a rut. Medically I have an endocrine issue, a potential immune disorder, but no thyroid disease that can be detected. Consultants believe that there is nothing worth treating even though I have multiple pointers for possible disorders and LOTS of symptoms to back them up.

Ho hum.

I'm now working with 1240 calories a day and trying to get at least 15 mins of gentle walking done a day. Twice a week I break out 10 mins of cardio and resistance (red) band work. I'm thinking I should adjust my allowance to 1400kcal a day because 1240 is a) making me really hungry and b) making me really grumpy. I can eat my meals in under five minutes :grumble:

I desperately want to run my butt off and lift but the FM is a lurker extraordinaire and if anything, I'm scared that I'll end up really unwell again like I was last year. And the year before that. And the year before that...

So in addition to bidding you all a fine morning / afternoon / evening, I'm looking for buddies on here for advice and encouragement, people in similar situations who want to exchange ideas and find a way through their heap of complications.

Good to meet you all :smile:

P.S. If anyone has any suggestions about doctors and seeing them, please refrain. I have spent over five years doing what you may be about to propose and got nowhere because the health services where I live are dire. In existence but dire. Letting me walk around with an untreated endocrine disorder is evidence enough of that :wink: