Calorie burning question

How do you figure out how many calories you burn with a specific exercise? I do a 30 minute cardio routine from you tube and I have no idea how to figure out the calories I burn so I can track it. I am new to this site and also just started weight watchers (again) a few weeks ago.


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor. They will give you the best approximation for how many calories you're burning with your routine.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I just put in "aerobics, general" for anything around a 65% heart rate. It you're a girl less than 150 pounds you'll usually get 200 per hour if it's a light activity such as walking, 300 per hour for moderate aerobics or 400 if it's intense (like heart rate above 150 or 75%).

    I would recommend a hrm that you can program for your age, height, and weight.
    It's harder to use than a computer though, so if you have problems with technology, I might go with just plugging in a category of exercise.