İs there a downside on eating too much fiber?

de1amo Posts: 266 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
i seem to be way over on my fiber every day--it hasnt really altered my loo visits but i was wondering if there are any problems associated with doing it?--i am always way under on sat fats too!


  • dclarsh1
    dclarsh1 Posts: 83
    How much is 'too much'? MFP sets you pretty low at 15g per day, but its recommended to get 25-30. The only problem of eating too much is if your body can't handle it and you start to get loose stools and excessive gas. If that's not happening to you, then you're fine. And being under on your saturated fats is a good thing. You need fat in your diet, but unsaturated is better.
  • They say you should gradually increase your fiber intake so that you don't have gas and bloating and all that fun stuff, but more fiber is definitely a good thing when coming from whole foods.
  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    If you don't increase your water intake along with your fiber it can cause constipation. I know this sounds weird but if you think about it it makes sense, water is what keeps your stools soft so if you are bulking them up with an increase in fiber you’ll need more water to keep up with it. My DH is a pharmacist for an elder care community and he says it is one of the biggest problems they have. He says the patients love their fiber but don’t keep up on fluids and end up with impacted bowels. So just keep drinking!!!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i think i was 150pc my target yesterday(without looking)--i have always eaten lots of healthy food where i live now but prior to this i was very unhealthy with my diet and gained the weight then- my stomach is fine and no gas leaks--i was worse before when i drank coffee--that agitates my stomach!
    i tend to be on target with my healthy fat rate because i eat almonds to take up under any short fall in calories--its the saturated fats i am way under on!
    i drink about 13 to 14 drinks a day-i include tea in that number as i read this is still hydration-i live in a hot climate and feel 8 is too little
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