daily calorie intake

Hi everyone, this is my first week with mfp and so far so good :smile: I just wanted to know really if you go over on one day is it ok to eat less on another day to compensate or should you still stick to your daily allowance?

Also all the pics of before and afters, and all the stories from everyone are really inspiring me to stick at it this time so thank you all for that, just cant believe I didn't discover mfp earlier its fab! xxx


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    If it's only enough to put you at maintenance or a little over for the day, then I wouldn't worry about it. Just eat your net goal for the rest of the week, because when it's all said and done that one day isn't going to take you out of a deficit.

    If it's enough to put you over maintenance for a few days, then I would probably eat 100- 200 under goal for a few days.
    example: maintain at 2000, but you end up eating 5500 + cals in one day.
  • ok thank you, yes i went over by about 700 on Friday but im under by 400 today and have been under a few other days so if I leave today as it is im only over by 107 cals for the week. my target is 1400 per day.