emotional eating after a breakup.

So I was doing pretty good with my weight loss/workout routine up until the last few days of my 6 year relationship ending. I went from moderation to f*** It pretty fast. I'll binge then feel guilty. Occasionally I'll get a reminder of the ex. A certain song plays on the radio. His favorite movie comes on tv. A guy will make conversation with me and instead of saying the usual answer of 'I'm taken'

I pause and remember I'm single now. Whenever this happens i'll go for the sweets. Preferably candy. I can't seem to stop myself, it's been 2 weeks since the split, I know there's a mourning period but does my waistline have to suffer?

I need a pick me up. My weight loss has stalled since d-day and I need to get over this hurdle but how?


  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Throw yourself into something else. Whenever you feel sad/like binging, instead of reaching for food, go for a walk (or do something that's more hardcore physical if you prefer to go that route). Don't let someone else (or the memory of someone else) drag you down from who you want to be.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I think friends and family are important resources during these times. Get out of the house, hang out with friends, visit your family. Surround yourself with people who care about you. Hope you start feeling better soon. Stay strong!
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    I lost 2 stone in 4 weeks after my break up. Once I sorted myself out the weight was back on in another 4 weeks!

    I know its hard but the really best thing to do is look after yourself and take your frustrations out in the gym
  • bellalyfe
    bellalyfe Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Yall I really have been trying to redirect my focus lately. Sometimes it helps. I guess time is key here.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I am right there with you! My relationship was only 2 years, and it has been almost 2 months since my heart was shattered. It has gotten easier. Frankly when I was going through it some days I'd say f***it and eat. I felt like I had too much to stress about...more pressing things than my weight. But then I started focusing on working out. I'd get hurt or sad...then pissed off. That he left me without a warning or word after 2 years...and sweat away my anger and pain. Now I'm going to look FINE for the next guy, and he's going to suffer knowing what a babe he gave up!

    I'm adding you as a friend. We newly singletons need to stick together and help each other keep on track. Message me whenever you need a vent, pick-me-up, or chat. I check this site off and on while at work.
  • Bananarheanna
    Bananarheanna Posts: 14 Member
    I got divorced a year ago after being with my ex for 12 years. It was pretty rough and I did a lot of emotional eating, but finally started to channel my sadness and anxiety into walking. It's really helped a lot. Instead of eating, I put on my walking shoes, put on my headphones and walk, fast! It really helps and I'm doing something good for myself that makes me proud. Maybe you could start walking or working out instead. Try to stay busy. I know it's a hard time.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Find something else to do. Try knitting a blanket or something. I gained ten pounds in a couple of months during a really hard breakup. It sucks to lose it again.
  • bellalyfe
    bellalyfe Posts: 13 Member
    I am right there with you! My relationship was only 2 years, and it has been almost 2 months since my heart was shattered. It has gotten easier. Frankly when I was going through it some days I'd say f***it and eat. I felt like I had too much to stress about...more pressing things than my weight. But then I started focusing on working out. I'd get hurt or sad...then pissed off. That he left me without a warning or word after 2 years...and sweat away my anger and pain. Now I'm going to look FINE for the next guy, and he's going to suffer knowing what a babe he gave up!

    I'm adding you as a friend. We newly singletons need to stick together and help each other keep on track. Message me whenever you need a vent, pick-me-up, or chat. I check this site off and on while at work.

    Accepted. Thanks girl. You get it. I'm totally in an angry/sad mix of emotions. The next guy will have hit the jackpot I'm sure with all the frustration you're taking out at the gym :) their loss