Losing faith in higher calories..



  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    OP- i can say this, i see a lot of people who have similar complaints, but 1. without seeing your diary i cant really look into what youre eating ,
    but i will say about 40% of the people who have issues with this over estimate BMR and under estimate calorie and portion sizes, just a thought, do you use a scale for your foods ?
    what kind of fuel are you giving the motor???
    calories are fuel , but theres a good deal of difference between quality available at each filling station , mc donalds french fry calories are not the same as subway chopped salad calories...
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Sounds like your eating at maintenance. One extremely low cal day and one maintenance day is fine and healthy.

    Well my BMR is 1656, and with being lightly active in day to day life my TDEE is 1987.. add in a 400 calorie burn on a gym day and I'm burning 2487 calories and only eating 1600-1800.. so I should be losing weight but km just not.

    I think I see what you are doing wrong. TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. Assuming you went to a random website or found the TDEE formula somewhere, you should know that it already includes exercise calories. You added an additional 400 calories over your TDEE, which is the wrong way to calculate your deficit.
  • blackermagic
    I think the TDEE stuff is bogus, and I have posted that before. If I eat much over 1500 I gain weight...it doesn't matter that I am running 7 miles 5 days a week and lift 3 days a week. Some days I burn more than I eat...and still gain a pound.

    Do what you were doing when you were losing weight...some other thoughts, eat a high protein, low fat and low carb diet if you aren't already. That worked for me.

    Good luck!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'd cut back just a little, but eat above BMR.....so instead of 1800, which was the higher side of what you eat in a day, try staying between 1600 and 1700.

    Did you start weight lifting and the higher cals at the same time? When you start a lifting program your muscles hold on to glycogen and the scale can reflect that. Most people level off by the one month mark, but it took me longer.

    and this.
  • jimithegreek
    can you make your diary public?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    Since mid January I've lost 40lbs.. but the bulk of that was lost through eating low calories and having one high calorie day a week. It's only the last 6-8 weeks that I've upped calories to a higher amount and it's since then that I've seen no results.

    So you were getting results, and then you changed it?


    You shouldn't change things up unless you stop getting the expected results.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I also had a major plateau so I tried zig zagging my calories. I ate at BMR 3 days, ate at BMR minus 500 the other 3, than had 1 day where I ate twice my BMR. (free day). It worked FANTASTIC for me, I lost 30lbs doing that. Good luck, plateaus suck but hang in there!

    I made another thread about this because I see the appeal, but that's not really something that you can keep doing long term though... and um yeah I'd starve at 1100 calories 3 days a week.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    You're on the right track, it's only been two weeks. You will see continuous results if you stick with it. Going 1200 or below is unhealthy and puts the body into starvation mode causing you to store fat for survival.

    Healthy weight loss takes time, stick with your routine and keep going strong. You'll get it.
  • lozzieemayjenkins
    lozzieemayjenkins Posts: 71 Member

    Since mid January I've lost 40lbs.. but the bulk of that was lost through eating low calories and having one high calorie day a week. It's only the last 6-8 weeks that I've upped calories to a higher amount and it's since then that I've seen no results.

    So you were getting results, and then you changed it?


    You shouldn't change things up unless you stop getting the expected results.

    I changed because I hit a plateau and then started gaining weight..

    and I'm making my diary public now.