Face Comparison # 2 (first one is full)

Congrats to all who posted in Face Comparison # 1... You all have worked hard and it shows....

80 pounds down....

267 pounds down to 187 pounds........... Oct. 2011....... May 2013



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    wow. this is amazing! you look so much younger :)
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Wow! The difference is amazing. You look good.
  • ProudMomToTwo
    ProudMomToTwo Posts: 44 Member
    I can really tell!
    Terrific job!
  • kegbail
    kegbail Posts: 47
    In January, I started my journey to a "healthy lifestyle." Starting weight was 193. Currently I am 176 with a goal weight of 140.

    To date, I am down 18 pounds. I think the bulk of my weight has come off of my face:

    Feb. 2013

    May 2013
  • kegbail
    kegbail Posts: 47
    Hmmm, technical difficulty. I haven't posted a photo here before. I'll try again.
  • kegbail
    kegbail Posts: 47
    In January, I started my journey to a "healthy lifestyle." Starting weight was 193. Currently I am 175.4 with a goal weight of 140.

    To date, I am down 18 pounds. I think the bulk of my weight has come off of my face:

    Feb. 2013

    May 2013
  • deemar54
    deemar54 Posts: 61 Member

    here's mine. mother's day 2012, and today. i have no idea what i weighed at that point because i was too scared to step foot on a scale. i can tell you i weighed 250 lbs in february when i adopted my lifestyle change, and i was considerably lighter then than i was last year. im scared to even think about what i weighed in the picture on the left!