Thinking about giving up JMBR for Chalean Extreme

I'm in the last week of JMBR phase 1. I've lost a few inches, no pounds and no other real difference to speak of. I don't love her, but I bought the workout because she gets results. I'm also doing couch to 5k, finishing week 4 this week. I tend to get sore knees for a day or two after I run (which I ice and wear a support for - I have loose joints which is probably a culprit). I really enjoy running and I want to be able to keep up with that for life, long after a 90 day weight loss program ends. But I need to incorporate strength training, and I just can't do a gym right now.

Jillian's workout has a lot of jumping around, which is forcing me to modify so much that I'm wondering if I'm really going to get very good results out of it. I'm thinking of moving to Chalean because I can get the strength training in without so much plyo. Can anyone confirm this? I've looked for some samples of the workouts online, but haven't had a ton of luck. I'm getting cardio from running, so I guess I'm just wondering how much cardio is included in her strength training. I really just want to avoid anything that puts undue stress on my knees so I can save them for my runs. I'd appreciate any input from folks that have done Chalean or both. Thanks!


  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I have done CLX and I can confirm that there is NO PLYO in the lifting routines. It should be fine for your knees. There are squats and lunges but nothing out of the ordinary. I had great results with these workouts, but just be aware that the biggest results come in the phase 3, the Lean Phase. So don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. I ended up losing about 25 pounds and 24 inches all over, but I had a lot more to lose then. Hope this helps!

  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I did a round of ChaLean and loved it. The only plyo is in one of the cardio workouts. Tracy is correct - no jumping, plyo, HIIT in the lifting workouts.

    I'm a runner as well, so I just use the lifting workouts from ChaLean and get my cardio from running twice a week. If the weather is bad on a cardio day, I use one of the ChaLean cardio, Turbo Jam, or Turbo Fire workouts.

    I decided to take a break after that and bought JMRI30. I got to the third week and like you, decided to stop because I was modifying just about everything - mostly to incorporate heavier weights.

    So, now I'm back to ChaLean. I agree with what Tracy said above. I didn't lose scale weight - but I did lose tons of inches, and went down almost two pants sizes the first time around. I call that RESULTS. Screw the scale.

    Also, I am SO much stronger now than I was the first time I did ChaLean. I've been impressing myself this time around.

    Feel free to friend me if you want!
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you for posting this because I am in the same spot. I'm done with JMBR. I read NROWLFW and want to start lifting, but I like doing a program where I have someone to follow. I am also thinking about doing Chalean. I really wish I could find more info on what the workouts consist of.