
elysetoplin Posts: 253
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I got back from school May 9 and was really dedicated to getting back in shape. Last summer, I lost 10 lbs with MFP and was able to keep it off the whole school year (not an easy feat since I am a college student!). I got back and my first goal was to lose 5 lbs by June 7, which is my 20th birthday and now in 6 days. I was doing great until last week. A week ago I weighed 151.4 lbs and was so close to reaching my first mini-goal of 150. 150 has been my first goal for about a year. Then, I went out to dinner one night with my dad, and the next day the scale was at 153.2 for two whole days. Then, yesterday, I finally weighed in at 151.9 (not back to where I was last week, but still do-able as far as meeting my goal. I overdid it at dinner, though, and this morning i was up to 153.9! And this was after my alarm didn't go off in the morning so I I hate that any time I get anywhere close to reaching 150 I screw up and get further away from where I was. Does this happen to anyone else? It sucks because I've been working out (walking/running a lot, 30 Day Shred, mostly sticking to 1200 calories a day) and I just can't seem to get to 150!


  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    It happens to me all the time, especially when I'm at a benchmark for myself. When I was about to cross the 10, 20, and 30-pound marks, I had the same issues. I think stressing about it only makes it worse. The weight gain you're seeing could also have a lot more to do with sodium and water retention than anything else.
    Good luck!!!!
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    take a deep breath, up your water intake, and get back on track. Most likely the large dinners are simply causing you to retain water. Unless you 7,000 calories, you would not have gained two pounds. Stay away from the scale a few days and be extra diligent about sticking to your plan and drinking enough water. It'll come back off.
  • Weight is a number - how do you FEEL. How do your clothes fit? Do you feel healthy? Stop with the scale, you'll just make yourself miserable. If you have to weigh yourself - try once a week instead of everyday. At least then it's an accurate count.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, this happens to everyone. It sounds like you're weighing far too often. Your weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs. everyday and during the day so when you're weighing, you're seeing a fluctuation. It doesn't mean you've gained 3 lbs of fat at all.
  • CatRodger
    CatRodger Posts: 105
    Same as what the others said I did a mini experiment last wed, I weighed in ( its weigh in day wed ) was 169 then before bed, I jumped on ( I dont do this all the time BTW it was an experiment ) was 173 I was like wtf LOL anyway next morning to conclude experiment I hopped on back to 169.2 so like the others say, try not to worry you probably stored water more then anything else, so when you next weigh in im sure things will be ok.

    I weigh in tomorrow, same time as always each week, pick one day a week to weigh in or even one day every two weeks, even if you have to get someone to hide the scales from you.

    Cat x
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    take a deep breath, up your water intake, and get back on track. Most likely the large dinners are simply causing you to retain water. Unless you 7,000 calories, you would not have gained two pounds. Stay away from the scale a few days and be extra diligent about sticking to your plan and drinking enough water. It'll come back off.


    Last week I gained 2.5 lbs over two days. I took a look at my food diary and saw that I'd been over in sodium 6 days in a row. So that day I watched sodium very closely (ended up at 1233 mg for the day) and drank 16 cups of water. I was down 3.3 lbs the next morning.
  • It is so easy to become comsumed with the scale. I finally had my husband take it away and I weigh myself once a week. My scale has not changed that much but I am losing inches and percentage of body fat. My trainer measures me every 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong, your weight is a important number. But, there is so much more than just looking at the scale.
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    thanks everyone! i started out really frustrated yesterday, but all of your support made me feel a lot better about everything. i'll get down to 150 eventually, and it'll be that much better because i worked so hard to get there. on the plus side, yesterday i drank two 24-oz bottles of water, went to the gym and did a strength training workout, and stayed within my calories. i know i shouldn't be weighing so much (i do every morning as soon as i get out of bed and go to the bathroom, so it's about the same time every day) but today i was down to 153.3! and this morning i went for a run and cut a minute off of my 4-mile run (usually i do about a 10-minute mile, today it was an average of 9:45!
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